Page 6 of Going Deutsch

“I am tired,” she admitted. “It feels like it’s two in the morning.”

“Time zones are a bitch,” I agreed gently.

“Your house is amazing,” she said as we walked into the kitchen. Her voice was steadier than it had been and when I looked down at her I was pleased to see that the tears that had been forming were gone.

“Thank you,” I said, getting her settled at the counter before stepping to the hob to prepare tea. “It’s been in my family for nine generations.”

“Wow,” she whispered. “I don’t think my actualfamilygoes back that far.”

I chuckled as I turned back to look at her. She was smiling and I was suddenly reminded of why I’d been so fascinated with her in the first place.

When I’d seen her first enter the market, that smile had been on face, lighting it up prettier than the Christmas tree in Dortmund. She’d been in absolute awe of the place, in a way that only a first-time visitor could be.

“What?” she asked, her gaze narrowing as she stared at me.

“Nothing,” I lied, turning back to the kettle and pouring hot water into our mugs. “That was funny.”

“I’m actually quite a funny person,” she assured me. “When I’m not being robbed or stranded in a foreign country.”

“I would imagine that puts a damper on the funny,” I agreed, carrying our mugs over and sliding one to her before sitting across from her and cradling my own cup in my palms. “So, Hannah, what brings you to Germany?”

“Just the usual touristy stuff,” she answered with a shrug. “My sister was supposed to come with me, but she got a better offer and left me on my own.”

“Better than Christmas in Germany?” I scoffed.

“I know, right?” Hannah laughed, the sound light and melodious. “I’ve always dreamed of spending Christmas here. It just seems so magical.”

“Really?” I sipped my tea as I thought about that. I’d traveled all over the world, though I’d grown up in Germany. I’d never much thought about how the holidays might be more special here than other places. It was just…Christmas. It was what I’d always known.

“You don’t think so?” she asked, surprise clear in her tone.

“I mean, yes,” I said slowly. “Germany is my home. But when American children are small, they are threatened with Santa’s naughty list and a lump of coal. Here, we were tortured with warnings of Krampus, who would come steal us away in his sack and beat us with a stick if we misbehaved.”

“Exactly!” Hannah said, her eyes twinkling. “Magic.”

I let out a deep laugh, shocked by her enthusiasm over such a grisly mythology. This girl really was special. And I couldn’t help being secretly pleased that she would be stuck with me for at least another day. I had a feeling that she and I were going to get along quite well, now that her nervousness about me was seeming to fade.

Hannah tried to stifle a yawn, but I knew it was my cue to let her get to bed.

“Come with me,” I insisted. “I’ll get you settled in your rooms. I promise you that things will look brighter in the morning.”

She followed me to the stairs and across the house to the suite of rooms I’d requested be set up for her. When I opened the door I was pleased to see a fire already going in the fireplace, the bed turned down and the lights blazing to welcome her.

“I hope this will be okay,” I told her, walking across the room and opening one of the drawers of the dresser beside the bed. “Each drawer should be stocked with different sizes for you, as no one on my staff would dare to ask or guess incorrectly.”

“That’s thoughtful,” Hannah said, her mouth ticking down into a small frown. “But entirely unnecessary.”

“You are a guest in my home,” I argued. “Your comfort is the height of necessity.” I walked around to the other side of the bed and opened the drawer in the nightstand for her. “If you need anything, just pick up this phone and dial one-one-one to reach my room.”

“Seriously?” She raised an eyebrow.

“It’s a big house,” I reminded her, closing the drawer again. “The en suite is through there. It should be fully stocked with toiletries for you as well.”

“This is a bit much,” Hannah admitted.

“Get some sleep,” I insisted. “Tomorrow we’ll see about getting things set to right.”

“Okay.” She sat down on the bed and stared down at her hands which were resting in her lap. “Thank you.”