Page 20 of Going Deutsch

“What the fuck are you doing here?” she asked.

“I realized I forgot to give you your Christmas present before you left,” I admitted, getting to my feet and stepping toward her.

“You didn’t have to get me anything,” she said, her voice wobbly, though a grin spread over her beautiful face.

“To be fair, it’s not much.” I shrugged. “It’s just me, really.”

Before she could respond, I snaked my arm around her waist and pulled her into my chest, my mouth crashing over hers.

Our first kiss had been slow and tender and perfect. But I hadn’t flown around the world for slow. I loved her. And I needed her. And from the way her body was responding to mine, she needed me as well.

Chapter Eleven


Hez took my keys from me and unlocked my apartment door, pushing it open and allowing me to enter first, but following close behind.

I flicked on the light and dropped my recovered suitcase to the floor, then turned to stare at him.

It was almost impossible to believe that he’d flown all the way to Detroit for me. On Christmas.

“How did you even get here?” I asked him, blinking my tears away.

“Well, it seems that I kind of forgot I have a jet,” he admitted.

“You forgot you have a jet,” I repeated, shaking my head, though honestly I wasn’t surprised. He seemed like the kind of guy who would forget massively important details like that.

“In my defense,” he said. “It belongs to my company. It’s not my personal jet. And I almost never use it.”


“Can we focus on something other than the jet?” he asked. “Like the fact that I’m here.”

“Yeah. No. Totally focused on the fact that you’re here,” I promised him. “Like, blown the fuck away that you’re here.”

“But happy?” he asked, raising an eyebrow as if he actually doubted I would be.

“Very happy,” I agreed. “How long are you staying?”

“As long as you want me here,” he said. “I never should have let you leave without me. I was so stuck on you staying in Germany with me, that I didn’t even realize I could just come to America with you.”

My heart was so full I was afraid it might actually burst. When I’d walked into that airport in Germany I’d been convinced I was never going to see Hez again. So to find him sitting on the floor outside my door…it felt like an honest to God fairy tale ending.

“So,” he said. “Can I meet Derek?”

“Later,” I said. “It’s late. He’s sleeping.”

“Oh.” Hez nodded solemnly. “Well, what else could we do?”

I threw myself into his arms and our lips met in a kiss so violently passionate that our teeth actually clacked against one another.

Hez whisked me into his arms, his mouth still feasting at mine as he carried me straight into my bedroom, only breaking apart from me when he literally threw me onto the mattress where I landed so hard I actually bounced a few times before settling back against the pillows.

There were a million things I wanted to say to him. About how sorry I was that I’d just left. About how I felt about him. About how truly happy I was that he’d come after me. But then I realized none of that actually mattered. There was no more need to talk. He’d flown halfway around the world to find me. If that wasn’t love…then I didn’t know what was.

Our hands tore at each other’s clothes, shirts and shoes and pants discarded to the floor without any hesitancy until he was completely naked before me, and I was only in my bra and panties.

“I suppose now would be an awkward time to admit I’ve never actually done this before,” Hez admitted.