Page 5 of Merry Elfing Xmas

Ispend all day Thursday and Friday catching up from my unexpected three-day vacation. Well, it wasn’t really a vacation, but I ended up enjoying most of it, and I lost my desire to fight these feelings between us at some point over the three days he took care of me. I had no idea how much I’d miss Grey after spending several hours each day with him. In fact, the last two days without seeing him have felt like an eternity.

I’m locking up my classroom Friday afternoon when my cell phone rings. Glancing down, I see Grey’s name and feel my heartbeat increase. “Hello,” I answer, surprised to feel happiness flow through me. I’m already getting addicted to Mr. Citified Scrooge.

“How was your day, little elf?” His deep voice sends little sparks of electricity shooting down my spine.

“I survived,” I tell him honestly before I’m able to stop the words. “The kids were in rare form, so I didn’t get all my work done. I’ll have to spend part of the weekend catching up on my grading.”

“I missed you.” My heart melts at his words. “Can I come by and see you and Snoopy tonight? I’ll bring dinner and rub your feet while you grade your papers.” I can’t turn down the offer. Plus, my dog would probably kill me in my sleep if I didn’t let his new favorite human come over.

“Does seven work for you?” I ask Grey, realizing he’s already got a big hold on my heart. I can’t freaking resist him. I’ve honestly stopped even trying.

“I’ll be there,” he tells me and hangs up. It terrifies me how fast he worked his way into my heart.

* * *

Istep into my apartment and find Grey throwing a dog toy across the living room for Snoopy to chase. I’m not sure what shocks me more: the citified executive wearing a plaid flannel shirt and jeans, or my lazy dog racing across the floor to grab the stuffed bear. Before I’m able to decide, Grey walks over and wraps his arms around my body. “I spent the entire day missing you, little elf.” He leans down and kisses me, turning my mind to mush.

“Wow,” is all I manage to mutter while attempting to gather my scattered thoughts. “How did you get in?” I blurt out the first thought I’m able to catch.

“That was a double wow.” Grey smiles down at me. “And to answer your question, your dad let me in when he dropped off Snoopy.” I’m not sure my mind can take this many shocks in one day. His eyes move slowly over my body as I lean over to pet Snoopy, and I feel my temperature rise to blazing-out-of-control.

“I’m going to run and change clothes before we eat,” I tell him, needing a little time to cool my jets and get my red cheeks under control.

Grey steps closer to me. I nearly expire on the spot when he leans over and whispers against my ear, “Get comfortable.” His words aren’t super steamy, but they send my heart into overdrive as fantasies of him doing all kinds of steamy things to me flash through my mind.

“I’ll be right back.” I turn tail and scurry to my bedroom before I do something that gets me in trouble. Like jumping his bones.

I take my time, deciding what to change into, then I slowly pull on a pair of light pink sweatpants and a matching sweatshirt. My heart rate is still elevated when I finish dressing, so I waste a little more time brushing my hair and putting on lip gloss. Eventually, I run out of ways to stall and take a deep breath before heading back out to the living room.

My heart melts when I find Grey and Snoopy cuddled up on the sofa, a Christmas movie playing on the TV. “I thought you might’ve fallen asleep on me.” He glances over at me and winks. Darn. I guess I took way longer than I realized.

“I was debating jumping out the window and escaping.” Where did those words come from?

A smile teases the edge of Grey’s mouth. “I’m glad you didn’t.” He sets Snoopy on the sofa before walking over to me. “I would’ve chased you, and I’d hate to give this town more to gossip about.”

“Don’t worry.” I laugh. “They’ll just make something up.”

Grey wraps his palm around the side of my face as he smiles into my eyes. “I’m making friends with the residents in Blue Spruce. Before you know it, I’ll be their favorite outsider.” He’s not wrong. I’ve heard stories about him helping out all over town. I’m not sure where he finds the time to run a multi-million-dollar company while helping Mr. Lipton groom her roses and giving Mr. Francis a ride to the doctor when the bus was running late. Grey also helped my dad fix the loose middle step on my parents’ front porch and has started taking Snoopy for daily walks.

“I hope you’re hungry,” he tells me and points at the breakfast bar. My eyes widen as I stare at all the dishes he has spread out on it.

“Holy cow.” I can’t believe he managed to figure out my favorite meal. “Who told you I love Chinese food?”

“A little birdy was happy to help me out after I climbed up on his roof and fixed a loose shingle.” Grey winks at me, and I realize he fixed my parents’ roof.

“I’ll have to remember to thank the little birdy when I see him.” I’m not sure when I fell hopelessly in love with him, but I have no doubt the condition is permanent.



It’s Noelle’s last day of school before the Christmas break, and I volunteered to dress up in Mr. Elkins’ Santa suit and show up at the elementary school to hand out little gifts. The things I’m willing to do for love. Like forcing myself to leave her apartment every night with just the memory of our make-out sessions to hold me over. It’s killing me to spend every available moment with my little elf without making a move, but I’ll do whatever it takes to win her for life. Even suffer horribly in the meantime.

Mr. Elkins meets me at the door and hands me a black suit bag. “You can use the staff restroom to get dressed.” He points at the last door at the end of the hall. “Then I’ll take you to Noelle’s classroom.”

I hurry up and pull on the scratchy costume, then carefully arrange the white beard over my face to hide my identity. After pulling on the red hat, I stare at myself in the mirror, satisfied with my appearance.

“You look very Santa-like.” I guess that’s the biggest compliment I can expect from the principal. “Follow me.” He turns and heads down the main hallway. When we stop outside the door marked, “Ms. St. Nick,” he turns to me and holds out his hand. “Thank you very much for doing this. For the kids.”