Page 10 of The Orc Next Door

“I will not be skilled,” I admit. “I have never kissed before. It is hard for me to judge what I can do and not harm you. You are delicate, small, and if you are hurt, I—”

“Just put your lips on mine and we will figure it out from there. But, yeah, those tusks…” She winks. “Like I said, we’ll figure it out…”

I capture her mouth with mine, tilting my head, working my tongue between her lips, tasting her sweetness and knowing in that instant I will never tire of this kissing. Her flavor spreads through me, sweet like smilak and warm like the morning sun. She lightens the darkness I’ve carried for so long. Makes me believe in a future I never imagined before her.

Her breath is warm on my face as I devour her in the passion of the kiss. My mating instinct rages inside of me as a feeling I’ve never had before envelops me from the inside out.


Orcs did not speak of it for so long it was almost forgotten. But, it comes back like an ancient wave. I will love her. I do love her. She is my heart, the part of my soul I did not think I brought back from Iriaza.

I run a hand down from her neck, feeling her heart thump, thump, thump against my palm before slipping under the silk of her robe and gripping the weight of her breast, groaning into our kiss as her heels slide around the backs of my thighs, pulling me in.

She moans as I squeeze—

“By the gods!” A deep voice and raucous laughter break into my perfect moment from over my shoulder.

I turn to see five orcs of my clan standing in the front living area, laughing and watching.

Red haze clouds my vision. “Get out! Why don’t you knock?” I roar as Emmie gathers her robe over her chest, wiggling out from where she sits and hopping down from the counter.

“Orcs don’t knock.” Ridak says and fury envelops me, but he is right, we don’t. “Besides, it is time to work, every morning for a week we are here like you said. If we are late, you are an asshole.”

A low cry comes through the open door.

“Darrell,” Emmie says, craning her neck to look out the window. “Oh, geez. He’s been trying to learn how to ride that bike, looks like he fell. I gotta—” She gives me a sad look. “I gotta go.”

She darts out the back door, leaving me standing against the counter with my crew watching, my dick hard and my heart breaking.



Ikept to myself most of the rest of yesterday. Tigor worked with his crew into the night but stopped by midnight and then blessed silence.

I watched him from the house and the garden, and I saw him watching me back, but I think maybe things got a little hot a little fast and he’s probably seeing things differently. I did hear him splashing about in his pool during the night, grunting and grumbling as I tossed and turned in my bed.

The looping tension that ramped up when he kissed me yesterday tortured me all day. When I listened to him in the pool, I crept to the window, looking out to see him naked, sitting in the shallow end, leaning against the wall, chin lowered like he was sleeping, but geez, his cock wasn’t.

I should have been mad that my next-door neighbor swims naked with a hella hard-on, but from my understanding, orcs don’t see nudity in the same uptight, puritan way as humans do. It makes sense. They are mated beings so seeing another orc naked that is not your mate wouldn’t be any thrill.

Still, that dick of his is visible from space and I probably should ask him to keep it under cover. More so for Darrell than for me, because I’ll admit, I could look at it all day.

Watching him roiled up all those fluttery lusty feelings and I couldn’t help but have a little me time, kneeling by the window, rubbing myself through my panties. It didn’t take much before I spun into a chirping, small orgasm. While I squeezed my eyes shut and tried to keep it quiet, I heard a loud growl and a splash from Tigor’s back yard.

When I looked out, he was under the water, then he burst out in one jump and stomped into the house, the windows went dark, and I managed a few hours of sleep.

When I woke this morning, Tigor and his crew were already hard at work, raising some enormous timbers onto the corners of the house. I watched them throughout the day, especially Tigor. Grunting and sweating. The sun glinting off the hard angles of his torso as he worked.

Why the others left early for the day, I have no idea, but the timbers are in place and Tigor is now back out in the yard alone, pacing up and downtotally nakedbeside the pool. And occasionally looking my way, even though I’msurehe can’t see me since I’m watching through a one-inch hole. On his side, all he can possibly see is wall.

“You gonna nail that?” Dominic asks, and I gasp as I turn his way.


He nods at the board I’m holding over the mouse hole. “You’ve been crouching there with that board for five minutes. You need some help?”

He starts to step my way and I pull back from the hole, shoving the board into place and grabbing a nail.