That quickly morphed into irritation, and she reached out and slammed her palm against the hood of his truck.
That unfroze him, and he launched himself out of the driver’s seat. “I’m so sorry,” he said. “Did I hit you?”
“Nearly,” she said. “What in the world were you staring at?”
Keith looked past her to where Britt stood with the mystery cowboy. She looked absolutely terrified now, but she didn’t scamper away. Britt didn’t have a devious bone in her body, and Keith would fillet that man’s muscles from his bones if he hurt his sister. Period. The end.
Frowning, he looked back at the woman. “My sister,” he said, indicating her.
The woman turned, her thick, curly, dark hair swinging with the motion. Attraction fired through Keith, and he had no idea what the woman saw on his face when she looked at him again.
“Oh, sure,” she said. “Britt and Lars.”
“Lars?” Keith took a step closer to the woman whose name he had to know before she left. “Who’s this Lars guy? Seems suspicious.”
The woman laughed, and Keith reached to take the two bags in her hand. She looked at him, and a charge filled the air enough to make crackling noises fill his ears. She swallowed, a light in her eyes dancing that hadn’t been there before.
“He’s my older brother.”
That still told Keith nothing. “Have you guys lived here long?”
“Our whole lives,” she said.
“Then I should know you.” Keith dipped his head closer to the woman’s ear. “I feel like I wouldn’t have forgotten about you.”
“Then you’re dead wrong,” she said. “Because that’s Lars Hansen, and I’m his younger sister Cara. You took one of my best friends to the prom. In fact, you dated her through most of high school.”
“Yeah,” Cara said. “Everyone liked her best, and I was the one with the curly hair always hiding in the shadows.”
Keith inched closer, his body wanting to be near hers. He pressed into the side of her leg. “I see you now, Cara.”
“Do you?” she teased. “You nearly ran me over.”
Keith grinned at her, the invitation to dinner on the way out of his mouth when Britt said, “Keith.”
“I came to get the groceries,” he said, refraining from saying,The same as always.
“Yeah.” She swallowed and looked over to Lars. “This is Lars Hansen.”
Lars grinned like a fool. “Britt talks about you all the time.”
“Really?” Keith shook the man’s hand, noting it was a good, strong shake. He had no idea how Dad would react to Britt dating Lars. She’d literally never dated anyone before. She’d gone on dates in high school, to dances and group parties.
This was clearly different. Lars shot Britt a sparkly look and said, “Are you going to tell him?”
Britt nodded. “Yeah, uh, Keith, he’s my…boyfriend.”
Lars looked absolutely thrilled, and he had such a good energy pouring from him that Keith couldn’t help smiling too.
“That’s great,” Keith said. “When are you gonna tell Dad?”
Mike set the last folder to the side, ready to leave the office for the day. His shoulders ached in a way he hadn’t felt since pre-surgery. In his head, he heard Hunter and his daddy telling him he couldn’t work like this and expect to keep his health.
But his call with an executive in France had gone long, and Mike still had a report to file with accounting and then the promised proposals to send to the sub-contractors they used for logistical deliveries of perishable materials.