Page 5 of Give Me a Chance

“What was that?” I whisper. But the darkened room holds no answers.

I lie down, knowing that I won’t go back to sleep tonight. I know he’s waiting for me. I don’t know who he is, but he’s searching for me. And the pull to him is so strong that it’s taking everything I have not to go to him.

Even though I have no idea who he is or how to find him.



My heartbeat accelerates and sweat pours down my body. She’s here! I can feel her. Scent the delectable smell of her so close to me that I can just barely keep from reaching out and taking her.

Lovely pale blond hair that blows in the breeze, lifting the shining strands and playing with them. My hands itch to touch the silky lengths. Feel them glide through my fingers like silk. Jerk her head back and let my lips have free rein, plundering her smooth, warm skin, feeling her pulse jump in her throat like a wild beast racing out of control.

Her darkened topaz eyes rimmed with lush dark lashes staring up at me in wonder, her full pink lips parted, glistening with every swipe of her tongue. Begging me to taste them, nibble them and devour the soft sounds she would make.

My cock jumps in my pants and I groan, needing to feel her soft, curvy body under me. Needing to possess her the way she’s always possessed me. Even if I didn’t know exactly who she was, she’s always been the only thing that I longed for every night when I fall asleep.

And now she’s within my grasp and it’s a special form of heaven and hell being so close and yet not having her.

But in my dreams I can touch her. Can feel that smooth, soft skin under my rough fingertips and know that every inch of her belongs to me. I own her in this second, in this dream.

She smiles at me and it’s like the sun has finally risen after a long, cold night’s sleep. Topaz sparkles at me and I can’t help falling into the golden-brown depths, losing myself in the warm amber of her gaze until all I see is the honey color surrounded by inky smudges of long lashes blinking at me slowly, enticingly.

My heart feels like it kicks into gear for the first time in my long life. And it’s all thanks to my mate.

My eyes drift around the space, searching for something to let me know where she is. Where she’s waiting for me.

The old mausoleums fade back and forth in the misty fog like they’re disappearing over and over.

My brow crinkles. A cemetery. Who has she lost? But when I look again, I see her searching amongst the monuments for a name. One that she’s not sure of.

I fade back into the background, my hungry eyes following her tiny figure through the faded tombstones and names. Ledger stones mix with the vaults common for this part of the country.

“Who are you looking for, little one?”

But for now, she can’t hear me. I’ve stepped into the background to try and figure out where my angel is. And that’s when her cloak parts and I see the huge ruby stone resting in the hollow of her throat. My eyes widen and I gasp.

“The Dragon’s Eye? Where the hell did my mate get that necklace?”

It’s a good question. That necklace is a family heirloom. It disappeared over a hundred years ago and has been missing since then.

Red shards gleam in the misty light.

In my family, that stone was only given to the fated mate of a dragon shifter. It helped protect her at all times. Although fated mates have a strong bond, that stone was practically a tracker. No matter who or what tries to come between the couple, there’s always the stone to hold us together.

I move closer and once again she can see me and her eyes widen, the tip of her tongue gently scrapes her lips, following the path that I yearn to follow.

Her amber gaze never drops from mine when I come as close to her as I dare.

“Little angel? Who or what are you and where have you been all my life?”

That seductive smile curls her full lips again. “I’m yours. Don’t you know that?”

Of course I know it. But how does she know it? Humans don’t usually recognize what’s happening until we tell them. Shifters always know.

My hand reaches out slowly, giving her the chance to back away if she wants to. But she doesn’t even blink. Her eyes follow my hand’s movements and when my hand touches the rounded curve of her cheek flushed pink with desire, she moans and the topaz stare that I’m quickly starting to crave drops to the ground.

“Look at me,” I growl, incensed that she won’t obey me.