Page 8 of Give Me a Chance

And with a roar, he rises above me, the air swirling like a jet taking off. Screaming, I drop to my knees.

Only to find myself grabbed in huge claws and lifted into the cold maelstrom of the air. I can’t catch a breath as I watch the ground sink below me, the souls reaching out for me but unable to leave that place.

Beating at the claws holding me gently, I writhe in fear. “I don’t know what you want from me but I don’t have it. Let me go!”

The huge head turns to me and I freeze, stunned at the emotion in the glowing eyes the size of a giant’s dinner plate. “No. You’re mine,” he insists, his eyes fastened on my chest. “You even wear the necklace of my mate. The Dragon’s Eye. It’s what finally helped me find you. It will always guide me to you when you need help, my love.”

My mouth drops open. My fingers wrap around the necklace uncertainly, feeling it burn my palm like it’s on fire. “No. This was a gift from my grandmother. It doesn’t mean what you think it does. You’ve got the wrong necklace.”

A huge smile curls the dragon’s mouth. A flash of teeth makes me cringe backwards. “If I have it wrong, how come I found you? The necklace called me to you, knowing that you needed help. Now sit back and relax. We’re going to my home and talk. So I can explain what’s happening, my Artemis.”

That deep voice saying my name makes my belly clench and a fiery heat sizzle up my spine.

Fear rises in my body, making me stiffen, ache to run. But at the same time to stay.

It’s like two halves of me are fighting for precedence and I don’t know which will win. My head swims and then the horrors of this night drag me down into a dark abyss where none of it can touch me and I’m finally free from all the voices in the darkness.



As soon as I land, I shift back into my human form, needing to see her with my own two eyes as I carry her into my mansion.

“Anderson!” I scream into the black void.

“Coming, sir!” he hollers back. His slight form appears in front of me by candlelight. “The power’s out.” Then his eyes lock on the slight form in my arms. His dark eyes gleam with excitement. “Have you found her, my lord?”

My lips jerk upwards in the biggest smile of my life. “Yes! I found my mate.”

He studies her and I can feel the urge rising in me to tear him apart. “Look away, Anderson!” I growl, enraged that he thinks he has the right to stare at my property. She’s mine and I’m hers. Forever now that I’ve found her.

His head jerks back and his eyes rise to the ceiling. “Sorry, sir. I was just surprised.”

Nodding my head, I stride into the house, naked. The night is cold but dragons don’t feel it. Our inner fire protects us from all things, even the cold.

“Is the silver room made up?”

“It’s always made up. Hoping that you’ll find your one true love.”

My mouth twists, happiness washing over me. I climb the stairs, carrying her easily. My mate is a curvy, plush armful but her slight weight is just right to me.

The door to her room stands open and I carry her inside, setting her gently on the bed. I step back and feel the rightness of this moment wash over me like a golden wave of joy.

“My mate,” I whisper into the warm, scented air of the room. Silver gleam on every surface in this room. And she’s like her own form of silver, her long hair shimmering with icy fire in the coldness of the room. Her eyes are closed but I know the glowing amber in them will warm the frigid places of my heart and soul as soon as she settles that mesmerizing gaze on me.

“I can’t believe I finally found you.” My eyes fix on the bright ruby fire at her throat. My teeth ache to sink into her soft flesh just inches to the side of the heavy golden chain wrapped around her alabaster skin.

She shivers and I see the inky smudges of her eyelashes fluttering. She moans and I step away to light a fire in the huge grate. When it’s roaring and I know it will warm my mate, I turn back, finding her golden gaze focused on mine in horror.

“Who are you?” Her hand rises to her throat like she needs protection from me.

I snort. I’m the only thing in this world that she can trust. That she absolutely doesn’t need to fear.

“I am your mate, my love. Your fated mate.”

Her eyes lock on the bright, unholy blue of my gaze and they widen. “You’re the dragon.”

It’s not a question. It’s a statement of fact. I nod my head and she cringes backwards into the fluffy cushions behind her head.