Page 2 of Give Me a Chance

“I appreciate it. Thank you.” I hang up and turn the car around, heading back the way I came.

I don’t really want to do this right now. My mind is a mess and all I want to do is crawl under the covers and maybe drink a few glasses of wine to drown out the voices pushing at me. That always push at me.

When I pull into the attorney’s office it’s empty except for my car and Mr. Greene’s car. Obviously nobody else wanted a late night tonight.

“There you are, Ms. Falconer. I’m sorry to call you so late in the afternoon but it’s very important that you get your grandmother’s legacy as soon as possible. It’s only a few days until Christmas and she told me that the date was important.”

“Fine. Thank you, Mr. Greene.” I follow his spindly form back to his office, smiling a little at the way he walks. So very careful. Just how you’d picture an estate attorney would walk I guess. It’s just odd that he exactly matches how you would picture an attorney that deals with death all the time.

He waves me into a chair and pulls a burgundy leather box from his desk along with a sealed envelope. My heart hurts when I see the familiar spidery writing of my grandmother. I breathe in and out carefully, trying to push down the pain.

“As you can see, there is just a letter and the jewelry. That is free and clear. Your grandmother made sure that everything was cleared up with those two things so that you would be able to take possession of them as soon as possible. I can’t believe I forgot them. I’m so sorry. I know how important to Gertrude that this bequest is.”

“That’s fine. I don’t need to read them here or anything do I?”

“Of course not.” The soft smile on his face puts me at ease. “They are now yours to do with as you will but I do hope that you will be able to take on the challenge that Gertrude gave you.”


“Yes. I don’t know the specifics but it is something she especially wanted you to do for her.”

“Oooh. Well, if this request was that important then I know that I can handle it.”

A frown tugs at his lips. The man usually smiles so a faint tremor of unease darts down my spine like an icy trickle of water. “Don’t be too sure of that. Sometimes my clients can ask for some very difficult things.”

“I’ll be alright. I appreciate all your help taking care of the estate and everything else while she was so ill.”

“Trust me. It wasn’t that much. You took care of almost everything for her. I know she appreciated that a lot. She loved you so much.”

My throat closes and the weight in my chest intensifies until I’m barely able to breathe.

Standing, I nod and walk out the door. It’s all I can do.



Lonely night after lonely night, I haunt this city. The streets are always full of people and noise…no matter what time it is. But I can’t sleep. Not until I find my mate.

Centuries of time have slid past and I am barely holding onto the faint hope that she’s still out there. That I can find her.

But there’s a niggling fear tearing at me that says, “Maybe she’s already died and now there’s no one to care about you. Not a soul that will mourn you.

Well, except for my brothers. But all of them are still searching for their mates as well.

I turn onto Bourbon Street and let the noise of the rowdy crowds coming out of the bars wash over me. Searching for her voice, her scent. Anything to tell me that she’s near. Anything to give me hope that I’m not destined to die alone and lonely.

A human male, drunk off his ass, falls into me and snarls, “Hey man…keep your hands to yourself.”

Growling, I shove him away. “I’m not the one that’s so drunk he can’t walk, youngling.”

He grunts but walks away, his steps hurried.

Yeah. Piss a dragon shifter off and see how you like it when he tells you to leave. Most people don’t argue. They just leave.

Music drifts out of the golden doorways, tugging at my soul. Unleashing that savage part of me that doesn’t deny my own loneliness and despair.

Music doesn’t always soothe the savage beast. Sometimes it just unleashes the pain and makes it ten times worse.