Serena prayed he didn’t remember that for at least the next hour.
She shouldn’t have worried, for as soon as the door closed he wriggled closer and lay down beside her, gathering her protectively in his arms.
“There is only one question I’d like to know the answer to.” The light in his eyes dimmed and his features took on a cautious look. He let out a shaky breath. “Serena, will you marry me?”
With her free hand, she cupped his face and her heart hurt when she saw the uncertain look in his eyes.
“How could you doubt I would? I love you.You!I didn’t go racing toward the duel other than to save you and Lily. You are both my world—my heart. I was scared for you. It was always about you.”
He remained mute, emotion gripping him. He took her face between his hands and gazed down at her. “You’re free of Dennett. You’re a widow now. Once you reenter society, half the men in England will line up to offer for you. You could have your pick.”
“Then I pick you.” She nestled down against his chest with a sigh. “I could not have lived if I knew you had been killed trying to save me.”
His grip tightened around her. “I could not have lived knowing I’d failed to saveyou!”
She pressed her lips to his neck. “Thank goodness neither of us has to face that prospect.”
“For now, but we still have an enemy on the loose. A very dangerous enemy, it seems.” Christian lifted her face to his and kissed her, hard. His mouth slanted over hers in a fierce, claiming need. “Oh, God,” he finally breathed, “I thought I’d lost you, and I’m not going to lose you again. I can’t.”
“You won’t.” She threaded her hand through his. “Together we shall work out who is out to destroy the Libertine Scholars. We can make a list of everyone your fathers ever wronged.”
“It will be a long list,” Christian noted dryly. He hesitated before adding, “Although if it includes all six of us, it does make sense that maybe the villain is common to all our fathers.” He sat up excitedly. “That narrows the field considerably.”
“Maitland will be our greatest asset—he thinks so dispassionately and logically.” She smiled and lay back on the pillows. A wave of tiredness washed over her, and she briefly closed her eyes.
He lay back down next to her and stroked down her arm. “I haven’t even asked how you are.”
“I’m fine now that you’re with me. I’m a little sore and just a tad tired.”
He kissed her forehead. “Go to sleep, my lovely.”
“I think I shall.” She closed her eyes. “Don’t leave me. I want you here when I wake up.”
He took her hand in his. “I’m not going anywhere.”
She nestled down against his chest with a sigh, feeling wonderfully safe and cherished, knowing at last she was exactly where she belonged—with the man she loved and had always loved.
Christian watched sleep consume her, delighted that in her slumber, a smile still played on her beautiful lips. She looked happy, and his heart sang with the joy of it.
Tiredness mixed with hope saw his eyelids drooping. He hadn’t slept in over two days. With his fingers threaded through hers, he listened to the beats of their hearts and as sleep overtook him, he marveled at how perfectly in rhythm the beats were.
As the dream of his future life with Serena played out in his head, he knew that with her by his side, they would conquer any obstacle thrown in their path to happiness.
He was thankful that the biggest obstacle was gone—Peter Dennett.
For it meant Serena was truly his. Lady Serena Markham. Her name swirled through his brain.
He loved the sound of it.
He loved her.
And he’d allow no one to take her from him.
Serena awoke sometime in the night needing a small dose of laudanum. Christian came to, instantly awake. He mixed a small amount with brandy and made her drink it before he gently cleaned the wound and applied a fresh bandage.
“I’m sorry that your beautiful skin will be scarred. You may find you’ll have to wear a certain style of dress to cover it.”