Page 59 of A Kiss Of Lies

Tonight she’d learn if Christian was a forgiving man.

What would he do when he knew the truth about her killing her husband? Would he be revolted by the fact he’d slept with a murderess? Or would his mother’s death at the hands of his father mean he’d understand her predicament? Would he realize she killed in self-defense? Perhaps he’d even forgive her for the sin she’d committed.

He might understand killing in self-defense, but she knew in her soul he’d not forgive her deceit. He’d hate the fact she’d lied to him.

Christian refused to look at her or address her during the meal. She tried to eat, but the food tasted like soot in her mouth.

Lord Fullerton seemed embarrassed. He talked to Lily, avoiding engaging either herself or Christian in conversation. Lily was happy to chatter about her life in Canada, her parents, and the voyage to England.

As soon as dessert had been consumed, Serena rose. “Come, Lily, it is time for bed. We should let the men discuss their business.”

She was a coward. She was in full retreat.

“Goodnight, Lord Markham and Lord Fullerton.” Lily walked and placed a kiss on Christian’s cheek. “I know I’m going to love it here in England.”

The men stood as Serena reached for Lily’s hand.

“Goodnight, ladies,” Hadley cheerfully murmured, ignoring Christian’s scowl.

She hoped she’d bought herself some time. If she fled to bed, Christian would have to wait until morning to interrogate her.

She was almost through the door when Christian called, “We’ll talk later, Mrs. Cooper.”

Later? What did that mean? “I shall make myself available in the morning, my lord.”

He took his seat without further comment, a mutinous stare fixed firmly in her direction.

She narrowed her eyes at him. She’d promised herself that she would not cower before any man. She might be in the wrong about deceiving him, but she’d not beg for understanding. She’d done what she had to do to survive.

With a final glare she swept out of the room.


“What the hell is the matter with you?” his friend turned on him as soon as they heard the ladies’ footsteps fade. “You’re angry. Why? I can perfectly understand why Lady Serena would not want the world to know her fallen circumstances.”

Christian turned away to hide his pain, for he did not want Hadley to know how badly she’d hurt him.

“There is more to it than that?” his friend asked.

He looked at Hadley and raised a shoulder in a shrug.

“Good, God. She’s your mistress! Tell me I’m wrong. She’ll be completely ruined if thetonlearns of it.”

“She is not my mistress.” His words were true. She’d been his lover briefly, but she was in no way his paid companion. That would tarnish what he’d believed to be a pure and selfless love. It would appear that was not true. Serena had used him.

Hadley looked his fill and raised his eyebrows. “But she was. I forgot what a crafty devil you are with words. She was, what—your lover? You gave her the job in payment?”


“No to what? No, not your lover, or no, no payment?” Hadley asked dryly. At Christian’s continued silence, he probed, “No? That’s all you’ll tell me?”

He nodded. “Until I’ve spoken to Sar—I mean Serena, you will leave this situation alone and speak of it to no one.”

Hadley ran a hand through his hair. “Of course, I wouldn’t dream of gossiping about the girl.” He looked at Christian with an angry expression. “You of all people should know how I detest gossip.”

“I need a bloody drink. You have news for me. I dread to think what else I’ll learn this night. Sit down and fill me in on the Duke of Barforte and his lying daughter.”

“The situation is serious. Barforte has blackened your name in all the clubs. He’s hinted that you are responsible for Carla’s murder. He is portraying you as a vile bully, like your father. The old rumors about your mother’s death have begun circulating again, and your absence from England has done nothing to quell the talk. It’s good you are home,” he added. “Further, I suggest you show yourself in public at numerous events. Brazen the talk out. Show them you are not in hiding.”