“Are you kicking me out?”

“Well, no.”

“Then why do you think I’d want to go somewhere else? I like the three of you, even when you’re a bit obtuse.”

This makes Finn grin. “I like it when you use big words.”

“And I like it when you guys are idiots.” I huff. “Like I would actually leave you. I’ve finally found a home.”

It’s true. Our relationship is unconventional, but it works for us.

Atticus is about to speak when his phone dings.

“It’s Hook.” His face is grim. “There’s been a death.”

Sorrow fills the room, and I wish there was something I could do. I haven’t met Hook or his men, but I know they’re important to Atticus, Oliver, and Finn.

“Hook is declaring war on Peters tomorrow. We’re being called in, and Midas is back.”

Goosebumps rise on my skin. “What does that mean?”

Finn says, “We’ll stand with Hook and Company, just as they’ve stood with us in the past.”

“Will it be dangerous?”

Atticus answers. “Our lives are always dangerous, angel. It’s who we are. There’s no escaping it.”

Oliver asks, “Does that make you want to leave us now?”

“No, but maybe Finn should show me how to stitch a wound. You know, just in case. I want to help my guys in any way that I can.”

Finn puts his hand over his heart. “You trying to make me cry? Cause it’s working.”

“Take care of whatever business you need to. I’ll be fine up here.”

Atticus pulls me into his arms. “We don’t go to war until tomorrow. Tonight? Tonight, we show you how much you mean to us.”

I grin. “What an excellent idea.”



The next month flies by in a blur of sex, joy, and even a bit of love. The guys were able to help Hook and Company, though it meant they lost one girl at Neverland who was a mole. Finn has taught me how to suture wounds, and it makes me want to look into medical school. I mean, I have the money for it now, and the time. They encourage me, saying what a great doctor I’d make. I think they might be right.

Slowly, the house has become less black and white, and bits of color are appearing. Our favorite pastime is going to flea markets on the weekends. When Oliver discovered I liked cats, his new hobby became finding me the most ridiculous, colorful cat statues he could and surprising me. I love each one of them.

I mostly stay in Atticus’ room, just because his bed is the most comfortable. In fact, I’ve kicked him out of our room tonight for being a jerk. You’d think he would have learned by now, but he hasn’t. His offensive sin? He told me I was too loud in the mornings. Oh, and that he thinks me working at Neverland is a bad idea. I mean, it’s not like I want to be a sex worker. I just want something to do while they’re there, so we can all be together. Is that so wrong?

“I’ll show you loud in the mornings,” I yell at the closed door.

Finn comes from the closet, carrying a garment bag. “Is he gone?”

“He better be. And he better not try to come back in here,” I yell.

“Don’t you think you’re being a bit harsh and also proving his point at the same time?”

“Nope.” Okay, maybe a little. “He’s going to see how stubborn I am.”