Atticus says, “As will Wolfe.”

“Wolfe deserves worse than a watery grave. He should be put through my machine.”

“I wasn’t sure you still had it.”

He nods. “It’s in one of Midas’ warehouses. I spoke with Doc today, and we have the green light to use it, if needed.”

Nervously, I ask, “What kind of machine?”

“A wood chipper.” He grins. “It is, after all, how I got my name.”

Oh my god. He’s totally serious.

Atticus says, “Wolfe hired Goldie to steal Mom’s necklace. She’s already gotten him the ring and earrings.”

“In my defense, I didn’t know what they were.”

Woodcutter gives me a rueful smile. “The hired hand rarely knows. Again, I’m sorry for shooting.”

A small laugh leaves my lips. “It’s fine. You really took me by surprise. How did you move the safe?”

“It was never in there. What you saw was an illusion made with mirrors and a photo.”

This man might be my hero.

He continues, “The real safe is somewhere else. Would you like to see?”

I nod and follow him to the hallway, where the large grandfather clock stands. During the two-week period that I was watching him, I’d see him wind the clock once a day to ensure it kept proper time. As he’s done many times before, he opens the door and turns the key to wind the clock. But then he pushes the minute hand. Something clicks, and the clock swings open, like a door.

“No way!”

“I’ve always fancied secret doors and hidden passages. When I built this house, they wouldn’t let me customize it, but I’ve found ways around it.”

He steps through the doorway, into a small office that is most definitely not on the floor plans. There, in the corner of the room, is a black iron safe. Woodcutter enters his code, and the door opens.

“Here it is.”

I’ve seen photos of the necklace, but they don’t do it justice. Diamonds and sapphires catch the light as he lifts it.

“I bet your mom looked beautiful in the set,” I whisper.

When I look over my shoulder, my three Behrs are staring at the necklace with love.

Woodcutter says, “I told your mother I didn’t want to buy this, and that she should keep it, but she was stubborn. She wasn’t going to let Wolfe get his hands on it, and this was the only way she could ensure it.”

Oliver says, “We’re just glad it’s been in safe hands all these years.”

Woodcutter gives me a small smile before saying, “I always hoped you boys would find someone worth giving it to.”

Dang. Now I might cry. And Woodcutter might be my new favorite person. Finn puts his arm around my shoulder, and I try not to look too much into the gesture.

Woodcutter asks, “What’s your plan to get to Wolfe?”

Atticus is the one to answer. “If you’re still okay with letting us borrow the necklace, then we’re going to have Goldie send a photo to him and tell him she was able to get it today. Hopefully, he’ll take the bait. Once they agree on a time to meet, we’ll take care of the rest.”

“Good plan. Let me know if you boys need any help. Or a wood chipper.” He smiles, but I don’t miss the hard glint in his eyes.

“We will.”