He snorts. “You sound like Finn. Trust me, I have a system.” He pulls out a cord, tossing it to me. “That should work.”

“Let me grab my phone.” I find my phone in Atticus’ room and carry it back with me. “Oh, it works. Good.”

“Worried about Wolfe?”

“Kind of. I know it’s silly, but I don’t want the three of you to get pulled into my crap.”

He flops on his bed, patting the spot next to him. I place my phone on his nightstand before joining him.

“You’ve got it all wrong. You’re not pulling us into your shit. You’re being dragged into ours.”

“Well, I guess there’s no one else I’d rather face a shitstorm with, then.”

He grins. “Agreed. So, want to play Mario Kart?”

“Oh my god, yes!”

“Just what I like to hear a girl exclaim while in my bed,” he jokes.

He sets up the game and we spend the next few hours just having fun. When we’re finished, I risk a glance at my fully charged phone.

“He text?”

I nod, opening the message.


There better be a good reason you haven’t shown up with my jewelry.

I mean it, Goldie. This better not be some ploy to get more money. In fact, you just lost a hundred.

Oliver asks, “How much was he paying you for the job?”

“A grand.”

“A grand for a necklace that’s worth one-hundred times that.” He snorts. “Figures.”

I scroll to the next message.

If you’re not here by noon, it’s another hundred.

Girl, are you trying to test me?

I’m going to call the cops and report you.

That makes me snort. As if the cops could find me.

If you’re not dead, I’m going to kill you myself.

Eek. That’s a bit alarming. He’s never threatened to kill me before.

Oliver curses. “That bastard. Hewouldbully you.”

“Should I be worried?”

“No.” But the look on his face saysyes.

There’s one last message.