“Shit. Really?” He grins. “This is going to be fun.”

And we’re all overdue on some fun. My gut tells me that Goldie is going to be different, though. Maybe that’s not a bad thing. Maybe this is just what the Behr brothers need.



I’m in the living room, flipping through channels when Atticus and Oliver arrive. Both have grim expressions on their faces.

“Did something happen? Wolfe? He got away?”

Atticus says, “We haven’t made a move on Wolfe yet.”

Oliver flops next to me on the couch. “We got the results back. You were definitely poisoned.”

I still. “Are you sure?”

“Yes.” He frowns. “We thought it was Peters at first, but his go-to poison is a concoction he makes himself.”


His gaze meets mine. “Must be.”

“Why would he poison your food?”

Oliver says, “We’ve been using the same meal prep company for a while. If he’s been watching us, then it wouldn’t be that hard for him to pay someone off so he could taint our meals. Luckily, whoever did it didn’t know what they were doing.”

“What do you mean?”

“Most poisons are weight based. If they had added enough to harm Atticus, then, in theory, it should have killed you on the spot.”

Oh god. I feel sick.

“Why is he going through so much trouble?”

Atticus answers, “We think he’s trying to make a play for our territory.”

“Right. Because you’re one of three Families who hold power in Chicago. Finn told me all about it. But why now?”

“That’s a good question, angel. One we hope to get answers to soon.”

Oliver sighs. “When it rains, it pours.”

“What does that mean?”

“We’ve been dealing with George Peters, who had beef with Hook and Company until we were dragged into it.” He meets my gaze. “A lot of our men died.”

“Do you think it’s related to Wolfe?”

“No. Peters is too cocky to work with anyone, and Wolfe wouldn’t stand for Peters’ foolish games.”

Finn walks in and says, “And now there’s more shit. I just got word that Hook was drugged at Neverland last night.”

Atticus curses under his breath. “We need to go.”

“Can I come with you? I’ve never been to a brothel before.”

Might learn something.