“Nah. That’s not how we do things around here.”

Okay, now I’m intrigued.

“Care to elaborate?”

“It’s pretty obvious. We’ve shared a woman before.”

“Like, at the same time?”

He nods. “And also individually.”

“So you’re basically dating and doing…other things with one woman, and she’s okay with it?”

“Never had any complaints before.”

No, I’m sure they haven’t. Each guy is sexy in their own right. A woman would have to be insane to say no to having all three of them. But at once? How does that even work?

He laughs, and I realize I said the last bit out loud.

“Tell you what, when the guys get back, we can show you how it works.” He peers at me. “Unless there’s something you need to tell me first?”

Oh my good god. Is he implying what I think he’s implying?

“What would I need to tell you?”

“Oh, I don’t know. You tell me.”

“Nothing comes to mind.”

He peers at me. “Okay, Goldie. I’ll play along. You should nap. The others will be home soon.”

“Where did they go?”

“To handle some business.”

I’m not in the Mafia, but even I know that means he won’t talk about it with me. Rolling my eyes, I snuggle against him and do as he says. I take a nap.

* * *

I wake to an empty bed, which is kind of annoying, and realize the shower is running. Oh goodie. He’s going to see my surprise on the mirror when he gets out. But then I hear something…

My cheeks are warm. Oh my good god. Is he in there doing what Ithinkhe is? Because it sounds like it. Curiosity gets the best of me, and I creep from the bed to the bathroom, leaning against the doorframe. Finn is gloriously nude in the shower, water cascading over his muscular body. From here, I can see he has the same tattoo as Atticus, but his is on his left pec.

He groans, tilting his head back as his fist works his cock. Even from here I can see what a nice dick it is, too. He moves his hand up and down, twisting his wrist every so often. When he does, air hisses through his teeth and, for some reason, I get warm all over, too. With each stroke that he makes, my pulse speeds up and I feel achy all over. But that’s nothing compared to the throbbing between my legs. A throb so intense that it leaves me pressing my thighs together.

Steam fills the room, making Finn look like some kind of mythical, ethereal being. I move closer. His pace increases, and I know I’ll never forget this moment. The sounds. The scent of his skin and soap in the air. The way his eyes close in bliss. Mostly I won’t forget how I feel at this moment. I feel alive, but also like I’m missing something.

“Goldie,” Finn moans. “Fuck. Yes.”

Oh god. I think I’m on fire right now. I don’t realize how close I am to the glass separating us until Finn’s eyes open as he comes. We stare at each other until he’s finished.

“Are you going to stand there, or are you going to join me?”

My body screams for me to rip my clothes off and hop in there, but I don’t. Because I’m scared.

I shake my head. “Probably shouldn’t get my stitches wet.”

“Probably not.”