Page 2 of Goner

What did she taste like? What colors did her lips turn when they stretched tight around a cock? How hard would I have to spank her to turn her warm, honey skin red? The words clamored on my tongue for freedom. They almost escaped but were halted by the clearing of a throat.

Prying my eyes away from the length of her body, they crested the sharp line of her jaw, back to the brown depths. Somehow, despite not having a single feature wrinkled or clenched, annoyance oozed from her pores. Disdainful judgment hung from her neutral lips. With just a flare behind her eyes, she burned me with her dislike.

She probably wanted me to shrink back and fumble over my words to repair whatever image she had of me.

Except…I didn’t care.

In fact…Ilikedit.

Ilikedthe thought of all that cold, rich-bitch attitude writhing wildly underneath me. The colder her stare, the more I craved it.

Abby and the other girl had barely sparked an interest, while this woman practically set me on fire with five words and an impressive, haughty glare.

Wanting to see how far I could push her, I tipped my lips to a taunting smile. “No need to apologize. I’d be happy to have you join our conversation.”


Notno, thank you.Not a rejection with a polite smile. Not a soft dismissal with an excuse to join later. Nothing that you would expect in a social situation. Just a simple, blunt, cold no.

My cock twitched behind my pants.

Fuck, this woman called to me.

“Excuse me,” she said blandly. Making sure to not allow even a single brush of our clothing, she curved her body away from mine as she reached beyond me to grab a wine glass and bottle from the counter, leaving just as quick as she came.

“Who the fuck is that?” I muttered.

“Amara,” Ian answered. “Carina met her at a business conference a couple years ago, and they’d made fast friends.”

“Dear, God. I think he’s drooling,” Erik teased.

“Who the fuck wouldn’t be?” I responded unashamed.

“See, this is how it starts,” Ian explained. “Next thing you know, you’ll be in love.”

A bark of laughter broke free. “Yeah, fucking right. All I want is to bend her over and fuck that sass right out of her. So, the next thing I know, she’ll be begging for more.”

Both men snorted and shook their heads, meeting each other’s gaze with some unspoken conversation that looked heavily tinged with doubt. Did they know something I didn’t? Maybe. But I also knew that I could be one determined motherfucker when I wanted something.

And I couldn’t remember the last time I’d wanted a woman like I wanted Amara.


The day had been shit.Hell, the whole week had been shit, and walking into the kitchen to hear the arrogant shit being said was the cherry on top.


The real cherry on top was the way my nipples pulled into tight, painful buds of need when the man spewing so much arrogance turned and looked me up and down like a fucking dessert he was deciding if he wanted or not.

Hard. Fucking. Pass. Sir.

At least, that’s what my morals said. Everything else almost begged to be the lucky lady he fucked. All that masculinity lording over me? Yes, please. Especially when his lips barely tipped, and sheer arrogance flared behind his eyes—a hint of blue in the dark depths. That kind of confidence came from a man who took pride in making a woman crumble under the pleasure he dished out

But…looks were deceiving, and I was in no mood to find out. All I needed was to give in and then discover his roguish smirk was a cover for being a minuteman. I’d rather not fuck at all than have the hope of an orgasm, only for it to be taken away. Besides, a cold shoulder of rejection could do a man with that much confidence good.

“You found the wine,” Carina cheered.

“I always do.” I smiled and sat in the empty chair. “You didn’t have to get this for me. I can always bring my own.”