Page 18 of Goner

“You ready?”Sasha asked while adjusting her breasts to make sure they were on perfect display.

“Hell, yeah. How ’bout you, Katrina?” I asked the other woman waiting outside the door with us.

“Fuck, yes. I’ve been wanting to play with your tits for a long time.”

“I guess today is your lucky day.”

“They really are epic,” Sasha gushed.

I dramatically preened under their compliments.

When Daniel hired me, he informed me I would have mostly the same partner throughout my employment. It created a level of comfort and added to the reality of each scene. Beau was my male partner, but when I wanted to do more, he set me up with Sasha, the blonde bombshell at Voyeur.

I’d never performed with Katrina, but we talked all the time when we were there. When Sasha and I discussed the charity event, Katrina offered to join us for our three French Hens. She was the perfect middle to our threesome with her pale skin like Sasha’s and her dark hair like mine. I’d always found her exotic beauty attractive.

I’d been excited about the prospect, but after the small orgasm from Carina, and the offer from Atlas, my blood hummed with the need for more.

Atlas had been right; I needed more than soft pets and sucks. In the end, it only left me more on edge than I’d been when I started. I stood on the precipice, and I felt wild enough to jump.

“Customer is ready,” Andy, the guard outside of our room, announced.

“Let’s go.”

We paraded into the bedroom, ignoring the Voyeur watching from the darkened corner of the room. Customers had the option to watch from a private room through a one-way glass wall or be in the room, mostly hidden from sight.

I loved when they chose to be in the room. I loved knowing they were there to watch me.

“I think we should help the new maid relax,” Sasha started.

“Oh, I love that idea,” Katrina concurred.

“But this is the owner’s bedroom. Shouldn’t we go somewhere else?” I asked, feigning innocence.

“Oh, no, sweet girl,” Sasha coaxed, stroking a hand over my hair. “This is the only room that has toys for us.”

“Toys?” I asked. “What do you do to relax?”

Katrina pressed her front to my back, reaching around to untie the bow between my breasts. “Why don’t you let us show you?”

Her lips sucked the lobe of my ear, ending with a sharp bite that shot straight to my nipples, just in time for her to tug the lacy material away to present them to Sasha.

“Look at those pretty tits,” Sasha whispered. “They look so hard, it hurts. Let me kiss them better.”

Katrina kissed down my neck while her hands cupped my curves and offered them up for Sasha to flick with her tongue. The two women worshipped my body as they slowly undressed me. I slid my eyes closed and tried to imagine what the Voyeur saw. Three beautiful women with soft curves pressed together, full lips against silky flesh, elegant fingers caressing every inch of skin.

I tried to see it, but when I closed my eyes, all I saw was Atlas leaned back in a chair, his legs spread wide, doing nothing to hide the long, hard length pushing against his slacks. When the girls shifted me to the bed, I opened my eyes and froze. The dark eyes I’d just imagined watched me now as if I’d conjured him.

Sasha and Katrina hadn’t noticed my shock and continued to guide me back on the bed, but I could barely focus on anything but him. He hadn’t turned the lights all the way down, leaving enough light to let me know it was him watching me. When his lips tipped in the most devious, gloating smile, I should have rolled my eyes and ignored him. Instead, my pussy gushed, imagining those filthy lips following through on the promises they made earlier.Fuck.Why hadn’t I let him go down on me before? Maybe then I wouldn’t be so enraptured with the thought of it all.

Katrina held my wrists and directed them over my head to bind them to the bed.

“What are you doing?” I asked breathlessly.

“Helping you relax. You worked so hard today,” Sasha explained while she hooked her fingers in my panties and tugged off my last remaining piece of clothing. She spread my legs and pressed featherlight kisses down my thighs. When she dropped low enough, Atlas came back into view, just in time for me to watch him stroke his length through his pants.

Yes.I loved how affected he was. I bit my lip, holding back the demand he take it out and show me. It was bad enough I kept looking at him. I’d completely ruin the scene if I actually spoke to him. Our job was to perform and act like the Voyeur wasn’t there—but I couldn’t look away. Sasha’s soft tongue pressed between my pussy and licked all the way to my clit with a hum of pleasure. I almost forgot about Katrina until a sharp twist to my nipple brought my attention back to her.

“These fucking tits,” she murmured. “I’ve been watching them bounce with every step you took, and all I wanted was to rip your shirt off and play with your nipples until you come. Would you like that?”