Page 91 of Pretty Savages

"I don't know! There's no houses or numbers."

I make out the faint sound of car keys before another voice appears.

"What's going on guys?" Zayn asks in the background.

I hear them talking amongst themselves, frantically trying to figure out a plan.

Asher's voice floats through the phone. "Ry. I need you to stay calm. We're on our way now. The three of us are getting into my car. It's about to switch over to bluetooth. Hold on."

The line goes quiet for a moment before I hear the audible click, and the sounds of their voices reappearing.

Flashbacks of Leo beating me up, not once, but twice, flash through my mind. But suddenly, that's not the memory that terrifies me.

I'm speeding, trapped in my car. Images of a mangled wreck pop into my mind, the sound of my Dad's voice reminding me of the accident that took his life. It nearly took mine too, and I've spent so long trying to make myself okay again. But no amount of rebellion, therapy, or liquid counselling can fully erase the pain and terror I have buried deep of those last few moments with my Dad.

I let out a sob as I try to wipe away some tears to get rid of the blur. "I don't want to die. I don't want to die."

"You're not going to die," Asher snaps, their background noise picking up as they drive fast towards the back road.

Leo's bike revs loudly and I look over just in time to see him swerving towards my car. I let out a scream.

"They're trying to run me off the road!"

"Rylee, your car is stronger than their bikes. You need to stay calm and focused. Don't swerve, whatever you do," Blake yells out.

The three bikes continue to drive erratically, my body tensing up in fear. My mind goes dark, the images getting more and more vivid as I fight to remain calm.

"The car accident, Asher. Dad and I were in a car accident. I can't do this. I want to stop the car," I mumble quickly, my voice breaking as my body shakes.

"It's going to be alright. Stay focused," Asher says calmly, but there's an edge to his voice. I can hear the tones shifting as he fights to stay in control.

Zayn's voice appears, his usual calm, playful voice a beacon. "Pretty girl. Keep your eyes on the road. Take deep breaths and stay calm. We're coming to get you."

I nod to myself, my hands gripping the wheel as I stare at the road ahead. Cars pass by, giving us weird looks and trying to avoid the bikes as they take up the road.

The road narrows as we head around some bends, the side of the mountain visible. I'm feeling a bit more confident – once I get to the other side of these bends, it's flat road and only a short distance to town. The guys can't be far away then. They will know what to do.

We hit the last bend, and I let out a sigh of relief as the mountain levels up, the drop disappearing as more steady ground hides between the trees.

My phone slips off my lap, making me curse. I instinctively look down at the floor, trying not to step on it. When I gaze back up at the road, my heart stops as I spot a wide truck heading towards us.

There's not enough room for all of us to pass safely, and I look over at Leo, his face staring at the truck. Suddenly, he swerves towards my car to create a gap so the truck doesn't hit him.

I panic, my hands jerking the wheel by accident. The tires fishtail causing the wheel to violently shake. I grab it tight, trying to get control back of the car.

The Chevy clips the road barrier and I hear screams. I think their mine, but I'm no longer sure.

The only thing I'm sure about is the world around me is spinning. My car bounces off the barrier again, this time sliding through the protective metal, and suddenly it feels like I'm inside a washing machine.

It feels like time stands still for a second, everything slowing down as the car rolls down the embankment. My Dad's voice sings through my ears, sending a brief wave of calmness over me as I spot a large tree coming towards the car.

I close my eyes tight, waiting. Just waiting.

And the last thing I hear before my world goes black is a large ear-splitting bang and the familiar sound of mangled metal.

Chapter thirty
