Page 89 of Pretty Savages

Blake turns, stalking out the door. I'm left staring at the empty spot where he stood, trying to process what happened.

Eventually, I crawl under the duvet, ignoring the food on the end of the bed, and do my best to go to sleep.

I may have just destroyed the only decent relationship I have with anyone in this house.

I can't sleep that night, tossing and turning as I'm plagued with dreams. When dawn breaks, I decide to get out of the house for the day.

I quietly get changed, grabbing my car keys and phone, and head downstairs. The house is dead silent, a sign that all three Taylor brothers are still asleep.

As I head to the Chevy, I feel a little guilty about leaving. I'm not running away, just spending some time out of the house. I know they wanted to keep an eye on me, especially Blake, but there wasn't any specific rule that I couldn't leave the house. I only had to keep away from Wheels. Even if the bar was open right now, I wouldn't go. I promised everyone, including Butch and Vito, that I'd keep out of trouble.

Going for a drive seems to be a safe option. I'm just going to listen to music and clear my head. Possibly stop somewhere and get a quick coffee since it feels like my eyeballs are about to fall out of their sockets.

The engine roars to life, and I back out of my spot and head slowly down the driveway. It's only a few hours, I'm sure they will survive. I have my phone on me so if they call, I can let them know I'm just out cruising.

I head to a local coffee shop first, grabbing two large coffees and a bagel. I put them in the cup holders whilst demolishing the bagel before I've even left the carpark.

I drive towards the country side of town, contemplating heading around the mountains where Phoebe and Con got married. It's looking to be another beautiful day, so I wind the windows down and make tracks towards the farm.

The drive takes a bit of time and by mid-morning, I'm still not ready to head back. I decide to drive back through town, and head out towards Wheels, along the forest route.

There's a few bikes at Wheels now, the early birds stopping in. I glance at the bikes wondering if any of them might be Butch's but they all look similar, especially driving past at this speed.

Loveless blasts through the speakers, and I hold my vape in my hand, sending small billows of smoke out the window as I cruise along the road.

I drive past the turn off towards Zayn's little shack and my stomach tugs at the memories. Maybe he was there last night… when I was kissing his twin brother.

Slapping my forehead, I try to knock the thoughts away as I continue driving. I decide it's nearly time for a break and remember the rest stop I visited with the Rebels. It's not far from here so I head towards it.

I follow the signage, slowing down as I weave in and out of trees. My phone dings with a message on the passenger seat and I glance at it for a second, making a note to check it when I've stopped the car.

My heart skips a beat in excitement when I spot a line of bikes parked along the rest stop. The Rebels might be here, having a club ride.

Slowing down, I pull my car into an empty spot at the end of the lot and look over at the crowd of bikers near the tables. I can't spot anyone familiar from here, so I unclip my seatbelt. If anything, there's public toilets here and I need to go, the two coffees reminding me of their presence.

I quickly pick up my phone first, checking the message. It's from Asher, so I click it open to read.

Asher Taylor: Where are you?

I don't want them to worry so I send back a quick reply.

I'm just out for a drive. I'll be back later.

Locking the screen, I pocket it, climbing out of the car. As I start walking towards the toilets past the line of bikes, I look at them for clues. Nothing stands out until I reach a Harley with a sticker on the mud flap. I blink as I take it in, before I gasp silently at the logo, a gladiator looking figure holding a sword.


A wave of cold rushes through me and I quickly turn, taking off towards my car. As I reach the car and shove the key in the lock, I hear a deep familiar voice call out from across the lot.

"It's her!"

Chapter twenty-nine

Iripopenthedoor, throwing myself in the seat. I quickly start the engine, throwing the car in reverse quickly.

As I back out from the spot and turn the wheel, I spot Leo charging towards my car.

My foot stamps down on the gas, the back tires catching on the gravel for a second before the car launches forward. At the front of the crowd of people, I spot Jimmy pushing through, his eyes following my car angrily.