Page 83 of Pretty Savages

"Not at all. Just fixing some things," I say.

He laughs. "Rylee Selwood… fixing problems for once. Has hell frozen over?"

"Funny," I snap, rolling my eyes. "How much did you hear?"

"Enough," he says, walking towards the jeep.

I follow, getting back into the passenger seat. Blake starts the car up, pulling out onto the road.

"It was a nice thing you did. Getting Asher his freedom back," Blake remarks.

I push my sunglasses on. "It's not just his. It's mine too."

Blake nods. "Sure. Whatever you need to tell yourself, Rylee."

"We're back," I call out, walking into the foyer. There's no reply so I go off in search of the guys.

I head downstairs to Asher's mancave first, the sound of the television getting louder as I approach. I push open the door, finding Asher sitting on the one-seater chair.

He looks up at me, raising an eyebrow.

"What did you do?" he asks.

"What do you mean?" I say, sitting down on the couch.

Asher holds up the phone in his hand. He looks down, reading out a text. "Saw the homewrecker today. We're officially over. If anyone asks, I dumped you. Don't contact me."

I laugh, covering my mouth. "I guess she's hell bent on that nickname."

He looks at me in amazement. "Rylee… what happened?"

I shrug. "We had words. Don't worry about it."

Asher puts the phone down, shocked. "I'm fucking free."

"Congrats," I say, putting my legs up on the coffee table.

I look at the door as footsteps approach. Zayn walks in, finding me immediately.

"I thought I heard your voice before, sis. How was your trip into town?" he asks, sitting down next to me.

"Productive," I murmur, giving Asher a grin.

Zayn looks between us, noticing the change in our demeanors. He hums, nodding.

"Good. Productive is good."

Asher continues to stare at me in awe, lost for words. I snort, grabbing my vape out of my pocket.

"So what are we up to this afternoon? Still keen to hang by the pool?" I ask, taking a drag.

Zayn reaches across, prying the vape from my fingers. "How about a little game of truth or dare?"

I shoot him a warning glance, before looking at Asher. The brunette leans back in his chair, finally speaking.

"I'm game."

My mouth drops open, but Zayn presses on before I can say anything.