Page 79 of Pretty Savages

"Hiya, Lee. You caught us at a good time luckily," Butch remarks, stepping back so Vito can pick me up.

"I haven't seen you in forever!" V says, squeezing me.

When I'm let go, I turn, beckoning them inside. "Come in. There's some left over pizza if you want."

Asher, Zayn and Blake hover in the doorway from the dining room, glaring at my two guests.

"Behave," I snap at them, giving them a warning point of my finger.

Zayn holds up his hands in surrender, giving me a playful grin. "I always behave."

Butch's eyes hone in on Asher, the older man giving him a calculated stare. He doesn't like my stepbrother, that much is obvious.

Asher holds his stare, not intimidated. Maybe one day all the men in my life can interact without testosterone playing a part, but that's clearly not going to start today.

Butch moves onto Blake, giving him a curt nod. It's a silent mark of respect for saving me, despite the negative feelings they may have towards my stepbrothers.

I'm amazed that Butch can already tell the difference between Blake and Zayn, but that's a credit to him. He's a smart man.

Vito introduces himself to the twins, shaking their hands. A surge of pride sweeps through me at the gesture, and I start to think there could be some hope yet.

"We're going to have a drink. You can join if you like," I say to the lingering trio.

Blake shakes his head. "We'll give you guys some space. Won't we?" he says, directing the last part to Asher.

Asher nods once. "I'll be in my room."

The three of them disappear in different directions, leaving me to head to the living room with my Rebels.

Vito reaches into his leather jacket pocket, pulling out a flask. "I came prepared."

I laugh, taking it from him. I open it, take a quick smell then have a sip. It's strong, exactly as I expected.

"I think I might grab a beer. Do you guys want one?" I ask.

They both nod, and I head into the kitchen, grabbing three beers.

I walk back into the living room, handing them each one as we sit down.

"So, I'm back," I start.

Butch gives me a tight smile. "What happened?"

I fill them in on the landlord situation and the plan to keep looking. Vito hums thoughtfully. "So back with your wicked stepbrothers for now."

"For now," I echo, taking a sip of my drink.

Butch chuckles. "At least you're back home. Not sure if that's a good thing yet."

"I know. It's going to be an adjustment. But we're civil, at least."

"Civil?" Vita asks, amused.

I wave my hand. "So-so. We have an agreement. It's working out… so far. But I've only been back one day."

Butch shakes his head. "Well, call us if you get into any trouble."

"Speaking of… how's Chuck?" I ask, hopeful.