Page 74 of Pretty Savages

Blake is standing by his bike, giving us space as we say our goodbyes. He's going to ride behind me home.

I hate to admit it, but the last few days, he's been oddly helpful. He helped pack up my stuff and I'm assured from Zayn, that our parents are happily on the ranch.

I'm not sure if Asher knows I'm coming back, and I'm a little worried what will happen if Jenny finds out, but at the end of the day, I need to do what's best for me. She can go fuck herself.

If she wants to release the tape and burn bridges, I'll fucking throw her into the flames with me.

I can appreciate that she's trying to save her dignity and reputation. But it shouldn't come at the cost of blackmail. And the truth is, I was her friend for many years. I have dirt on her, secrets that I swore I would protect.

Promises are a big thing for me, but I'll happily chuck my morals aside and take that bitch down if she tries to start anything further.

Asher might be fine playing the little bitch for her, but I sure as hell won't do it.

"It's going to be okay," Carmen says, wiping her own tears away. "You're going to do great things. You'll find another job, and be out on your own again before you know it."

I nod. "Congratulations on your new role. You deserve it. I know you're going to smash it."

We hug again and I walk myself to the Chevy before the wave of tears break. I don't want anyone to see me cry.

Tara was more than understanding when I told her I had to quit. She even closed the bar early on my final shift last night, so we could hang out. I left all my details so they can keep in touch, and I've given strict instructions that I want regular updates on George and Devin.

Mike made me some pot brownies as a goodbye present, and I've got them stuffed in my suitcase for later. Something tells me I might need something to take the edge off when I get back to hell.

I open the car door, giving Carmen a final wave before diving into the seat. As I click on my seatbelt, I sneak a look over at Blake, checking he is ready. He straddles his bike, helmet on as he kicks over the engine. I put my Spotify playlist on, listening as "All Too Well" by Taylor Swift starts playing.

With a final wave goodbye, the Chevy roars to life and I rip out onto the street, not looking back in fear I'll slam on the breaks and beg to stay a little longer. As I exit the street, the tears do fall though and I spend the entire drive home bracing myself for what's to come.

I glare at the house as I drive slowly down the driveway towards it. It looks exactly like it always has, yet it feels different.

Blake parks his bike next to me as I park the Chevy in my old spot. Asher's car is here, as well as the jeep and I swallow back bile as I step out of the car.

My legs groan in pain at being cooped up for so long but I ignore the discomfort. This whole situation is uncomfortable.

The front door swings open and Zayn steps out, dressed in his usual jeans and cotton shirt as he grins at me.

"There she is! Welcome home, sis" he says, opening his arms.

I raise an eyebrow at him, stopping at the bottom of the steps as I glare up at him.

"Zayn," I warn. "No pleasantries. This is already hard enough."

He mocks being hurt, giving me a wink. "Do you need a hand with your bags?"

I contemplate saying no and refusing help, but that seems a little stupid at this point.

"Yes," I mutter, motioning to the car. Blake is already pulling things out of the trunk, his face blank as he starts carrying them towards the house.

"Leave her alone, Z," he says to his brother.

Zayn looks at him in surprise, before glancing at me. "Oof. What did that town do to him? I thought you moved to Rosevale, not Salem. This is clearly the work of witchcraft."

I roll my eyes, grabbing a bag from Blake, before heading inside.

It's quiet in the house, and I'm thankful. But the sound of approaching footsteps stop me in my tracks when Asher's voice floats through the foyer.

"Zayn, who's here?"

I glance at the top of the stairs, holding my breath. Asher appears, freezing as he spots me.