Page 63 of Pretty Savages

As I get into the driver's seat, I look back at the house. Zayn is still standing in the doorway, stark naked as he leans against the door frame watching me with a grin.

I start the car, revving the engine and take off towards the road. I stupidly glance back in the rear view mirror, watching him follow the car's path until I'm out of sight behind trees.

Only then do I release the breath I'm holding, terrified of what's to come.

"Oh, you actually made it back on time," Jeremy says, as I stalk into the kitchen.

"Yeah," I answer dryly, sitting down in the chair across from him.

He's got his phone out, scrolling through Tiktok and snacking on some candy. He looks at my appearance, as if trying to assess if something's wrong again.

Of course there is, but I've done my best to hide it. I stopped along the way home, cleaning myself up and making sure any marks and hickeys were out of sight. I could use a stiff drink, but I'm scheduled for work in an hour so I'm going to take a shower instead.

"How was the wedding?" he asks, offering me some of his candy.

I grab a piece, shoving it in my mouth. "Good."

"Anything interesting happen this time?"

I swallow, trying to keep my face neutral. "Nope. Same old, same old."

Well, it's not a complete lie.

Fucking my stepbrothers seems to be a reoccurring problem. Except now, I've just doubled the ante.

Chapter twenty-two

"Mistyisperfect,Rylee.I can't believe how lucky I am," George beams at me across the bar.

It's the first time I've been able to catch up with him since his big first date, and I have to admit, I was a little skeptical, but my man here pulled it off.

"That's awesome, Georgie. I'm so happy for you!" I murmur, smiling as I push a drink towards him.

"I'll have to bring her in to meet you all."

I look around the bar, amused. "It's not a bad idea for a date. You should. I know Tara will be keen to see you guys too."

Tara walks behind me, fetching a glass of ice. "Keen for who?"

I jab my thumb towards George. "Georgie's got a girlfriend," I say in a sing-song voice.

"Ay, no jokes? That's fucking great. Yes, bring her in. First drinks will be on us," Tara grins before heading back towards the office.

It's a fairly busy night, but I'm enjoying being back in my comfort zone. It's been a crazy few weeks, but now that the wedding is over, I finally feel like I can breathe again.

Well, mostly.

I'm still a little stuck on Asher's confession as well as the fact I shacked up with Zayn. Literally.

But I was back home now, in my safe place away from all of them, and I could move forward with things.

Mike waves me down from the other end of the bar. "Ry, could you give me a hand down here?"

I finish serving my customer, giving me a curt nod. "No worries. Give me two seconds."

I put away a bottle of scotch, heading down towards him. There's a group of people ordering a large number of drinks, so I help Mike whip them out. When I'm done, I head back to my end of the bar. I stop short when I spot a familiar body perched on a stool near George.

What did I say about my safe place and moving forward?