Page 55 of Pretty Savages

As I head towards the entrance, I spot her outside alone, waiting. She turns when she hears me coming, giving me a smile.

"Good morning, Mrs. Sloane," I say, pulling up in front of her.

Phoebe's glowing, even though she looks like she got no sleep.

"Good morning," she grins. "Did you have a good night?"

I feign ignorance, looking around at the building. "It was an amazing wedding."

She rolls her eyes. "Did you like your present?"

My smile drops and I give her a blank stare. "Why?"

Phoebe shrugs, not fazed by my change in demeanor. "Why not? I figured it was worth hearing. I'm not trying to persuade you either way. I just thought you deserved to know the truth. That way, you have all the information and can do with it, what you please."

I give her a pained expression. "It doesn't change anything though."

She nods. "That's fine. But at least you're not in the dark. I'm sorry to spring it on you. Did you at least talk?"

My eyebrows shoot up and I look away. Phoebe frowns for a second, before realization washes over her face.

"You slept together?" she asks.

"Sssh!!" I say, grabbing her arm and dragging her away from the door. I can see the other members of the bridal party inside, and I'm keen to hide my indiscretions. "It was an accident."

Phoebe snorts. "Did you accidentally get naked and his dick fell in you?"

"No," I scold. "We were talking, then fighting… and we just got mad. Then one thing lead to another."

She stares at something on me. "I can see that."

I realize she's looking at my neck, and I quickly grab it with my hand. Fucking bastard marked me.

"Look, I do appreciate you looking out for me. And I'm not sure where to go from here. But you're right – at least I know."

Phoebe nods warmly. "That you do. Now, come get breakfast with me before I head off on our honeymoon."

After breakfast, the bridal party and Phoebe and Con's parents waved off the newly weds as they left to head to the airport. They are going to Hawaii for two weeks, and I've been promised lots of Facebook updates.

A few people were going to hang around, but I was keen to head back as planned. I told Tara I would work tonight and my roommates are expecting me.

Ben helps me load up my car with my belongings, and I drive off, sneaking one last look at the beautiful scenery. It truly was a magical day for two of my favorite people and I can't be more happy for them.

I crank the radio up, listening to old 80s rock tunes as I drive through town. I pass Wheels and resist the urge to look. I can't stop thinking of Butch, Chuck and poor Volts. And hell, I even miss Vito.

As I pass the spot where Asher cornered me, my stomach twists painfully. He was nowhere to be seen by the time I got to breakfast, and his Aston Martin wasn't in the parking lot, so I can only assume he left.

Which is what I wanted.


I hit my hands on the steering wheel, before turning the music up louder. No point dwelling on the past and what can't be fixed. It's done.

Last night was a mistake… a delicious one, but a mistake nonetheless. I have to be strong and stand my ground. He doesn't deserve to have power over me. For once, this gets to be my decision.

I'm just coming to terms with that and reminding myself I'm a bad ass, when the steering wheel starts shaking violently.

"What the fuck?" I mutter, trying to hold it tight. It doesn't budge, the car not driving straight.