Page 51 of Pretty Savages

A pained expression crosses his face. "Jenny's not my girlfriend. We're just… pretending."

"Pretending?" I echo, scrunching up my face. "Why are you pretending?"

Asher let's out a deep sigh. "Things ended with us the day you took off. But she was so mad about us sleeping together, that she wasn't satisfied with just your expulsion. She wanted to publicly humiliate you. She threatened to release the tape on social media and the internet."

"Who cares?" I stutter out painfully, but the truth is… I do.

Having a sex tape isn't the worst thing that could happen to me. But itiswhen the other person is your stepbrother. It wouldn't just haunt me and my future, it would ruin Asher's… and our family. Mom and Gareth would get caught up in it and be dragged through the mud too.

"I fucking care," says Asher. "Because I don't want you to get hurt. She's blackmailing me into doing what she wants in exchange for keeping it under wraps."

I hug my body, tears threatening to spill as they pool in my eyes. Asher looks at me, devastation crosses his features as he watches my expression.

"I'm doing it for you, Rylee. Even if you don't want me in your life, I'm protecting you. And I don't care about the price."

A tear falls loose and I quickly wipe it away. "This doesn't change anything, Asher. You still pushed me away and hurt me. I can't do this push and pull thing between us. I don't belong here and I'm happy now. I have finally gotten everything I've wanted."

Asher nods. "I'm not asking you to forgive me, even though I wish you would. I'm fucking dying without you here. But I'd rather spend the rest of my life protecting you, if it means you get to live happy."

I laugh sarcastically, brushing away more tears. "The truth, Asher, is you caused all this. I wouldn't be in this mess to begin with if it wasn't for you. So if you need to spend your life doing that to make yourself feel better, than that's fine. Because you did this."

"I know," he mutters softly. "I just wanted you to know the truth. I don't want you to think I'm with Jenny and rubbing it in your face."

I look away. "Did you tell Phoebe this?"

"Yes," he says without hesitation. "That's why she invited me."

Shaking my head, I stare up at the party, wondering what her end goal was here.

"I can leave if you want me to," Asher murmurs. "Or we could go somewhere and keep talking."

"Youshouldleave," I respond, not looking at him.

Asher clears his throat, his voice breaking slightly. "Okay. It was good to see you, Rylee. You really do look beautiful."

He turns to walk away but I stop him.

"I said youshould. But you can come to my room to talk. I have more questions, and you better start being truthful or so help me God, I'll throw you in the fucking pond."

Chapter eighteen

Iopenthedoorto my new bedroom for the night. Someone has already shifted all my belongings in here from the bridal suite, and I take a moment to appreciate the bed. Sleeping on the air mattress was rough, even though none of us got barely any sleep. Phoebe was up most of the night, too excited to sleep so we stayed up with her, chatting about the wedding.

The room is smaller than the bridal suite, but the same color scheme. There's a big window and single door leading to a balcony, and an adjoining bathroom with a shower. In the corner, there's a peach colored chair and lamp, perfect for reading and staring out at the mountains.

I walk over to it, sitting down and crossing my legs. Asher hovers in the entrance, watching me.

"You can sit," I say, gesturing to the bed.

He walks over and sits on the edge closest to me, facing towards me. His grey eyes burn into my skin, as if taking in my appearance now that he can see it properly.

I play with the flowing part of my blue dress, my fingers grazing over the soft material. I can't bare to look at him yet, scared I'll fall apart if I do. At least in the dark I could hide, but now, I feel exposed and vulnerable.

"What did you want to know?" he asks softly, his elbows perched on his knees and hands together.

I shrug, suddenly unsure of myself now. "What does Jenny want you to do?"

Asher sighs. "She wants me to play the happy couple until she decides it's time to break up. Then it will be done on her terms. She's trying to land some job and thinks some scandal will reflect badly on her."