Page 75 of Pretty Savages


We stare at each other, Asher's face showing nothing but genuine shock. I whip around as I hear the twins enter the house.

"You didn't tell him?" I hiss at Zayn.

Zayn looks at me innocently, pretending to think. "Oh, shit. I knew I forgot something."

"Tell me what?" Asher demands, looking at Blake and Zayn carrying my belongings.

"Our baby sis is moving back in for a bit," Zayn says happily.

I shoot a death glare at him. "You're a fucking asshole."

He grins at me in response. "I'll take your stuff to your room. I'm sure Ash is keen to be filled in."

I resist the urge to stick my leg out as he passes, heading up the stairs. Blake shakes his head, following his twin.

Asher walks down the stairs, grabbing my arm as he passes, and pulling me into the living room.

"Rylee, what's going on? Why are you home and why am I the only one left in the dark?"

I pull my arm away from him, rubbing it. "Fuck's sake, Asher. It's not that big of a deal."

He looks at me incredulously. "It's a huge deal, and we both know it. But seriously… Zayn and Blake knew about this?"

I clench my jaw, trying to be civil but he makes it so fucking hard.

"Our landlord had to sell. I didn't have much of a choice. It's only temporary."

Asher lets out a huff. "Right. And I'm just hearing about this now."

"Probably so you don't open your big fat trap," I snap back.

He looks at me, insulted. "What is that supposed to mean?"

"I mean," I say, putting my hand on my hip. "That one of my conditions of coming back is that our parents don't find out. So, do you think you can manage that?"

Asher stares at me blankly, before nodding. "Yeah, I can do that."

I can tell he's hurt and confused, but that's his problem. I made it quite clear where my intentions lie between us.

It's going to be awkward as fuck trying to live with the three of them, especially with how messed up things are, but at least this time they are on my side.

"Good," I say sharply. "Then we have an agreement."

I go to walk past him but he stops me.

"Rylee. I'm sorry."

I look at him coldly. "I know you are, Asher. And I'll do my best to be civil. But like I said, nothing has changed between us. All I ask of you is to respect my decision to keep this quiet, and also make sure Jenny doesn't find out."

Asher nods, looking away. "I won't say anything. And Jenny doesn't come here anyway. It's all for public show, nothing happens behind closed doors."

"Good," I respond again. "It's settled then."

I finish unpacking my stuff. It takes a few hours but my room looks exactly the same as before.

Jeremy has sent me a few texts, updating me on things. We have agreed to go to the lake again soon, after we've all settled into our new homes. I definitely intend on getting back up there to do that before Carmen moves.