Page 29 of Pretty Savages

"Aw, don't be like that. Let's catch up! Did you just come out of the bridal store?"

I growl to myself, annoyed that he obviously saw me and still let me run into him. I ignore him, causing him to laugh as he catches up and walks beside me.

"Rylee," he draws out tauntingly, but there's a hint of teasing too. "Talk to your big bro. You can't just pop into town and not say hi."

"The fuck I can't," I mutter, picking up the pace.

Zayn, like Asher, is much taller than I am, so my efforts do nothing but exhaust me. He matches my pace easily, like he's just talking a casual walk in a mall.

"You look good. Tanned. I see that life away from home is doing you good," he says, his hands in his jeans pockets.

I know he's trying to get a rise out of me, and I do my best to resist, but he doesn't give up.

"Oh, come on. I want to hear all about your adventures. Fill me in on your new life. I bet it's exciting."

He lets me walk ahead when people force us to walk single-lined to let them pass. I walk quickly, hoping to lose him but when the coast is clear to walk side-by-side again, he catches up and casually smirks towards me.

"Your ass looks good in those shorts."

I stop short, making him suddenly pause and look at me in victory.

"Fuck off, Zayn. I'm not here on a visit for you. Or your brother. So, just leave me alone."

Zayn pulls a face, pretending to be hurt. I roll my eyes and start walking again.

"At least let me buy you a coffee. I know you love your caffeine."

"I can buy my own damn coffee," I snap back, thankful when the coffee shop comes into view.

I start heading towards the door, watching it open as customers enter and exit. However my footsteps fumble when Asher and Jenny walk out, hand-in-hand.

Panicking, I quickly duck into the small space between the shops, hiding. Their backs are turned towards me so they don't see me, but that doesn't mean I want to chance it. I groan in frustration when Zayn follows me in, putting a hand next to me on the wall as I lean against it for support.

"Oof. Not keen on seeing, Ash? I don't blame you. That girl is a psycho," Zayn teases, his lips curling into a smile.

"Shut up," I whisper, looking past him to watch people walk by.

Zayn ignores me, stepping closer. "I heard you guys used to be pretty close. You must be an angel to have put up with her. I don't know how Ash does it."

"She wasn't so bad," I murmur before I can stop myself.

Pleased with himself, Zayn brushes a piece of hair away from my face. "Hm, yes come to think of it… I'd peg you more for a sinner, rather than a saint."

I slap his hand away, glaring at him. "You are insufferable. Don't you have someone else you can torment?"

"Torment?" he asks surprised. "I wouldn't go that far. I see it more as a pleasant, learning curve."

"What the hell are you talking about?" I snap back. I immediately regret my decision to ask when he leans against me, my body firmly against his and the wall.

Zayn leans down, his forehead brushing against mine. "I learn what makes you tick. It's a fun activity. My current favorite actually."

I hate how much he effects me, and I hate how much he knows it.

Most of all, I hate that I don't think I truly hate him at all.

Loathe, yes. Hate… no.

I should hate him. But I'm messed up. And it's even more messed up how often images of us in the fitting room or our kiss pop into my brain. It's already bad enough that I fucked Asher – but to kiss two stepbrothers, that was blasphemy.