Page 20 of Pretty Savages

As I push open the door, I'm met with the old, familiar smell of the bar and I have to admit, it makes me feel relaxed.

My eyes take a moment to adjust to the light-dimmed room, before a screeching noise reaches my ears. Before I can even process the sound, my body is slammed into the wall by a mass of black and green.


I cough, doing my best to untangle my arms from the other body pressed against me. "Volts, you fucking psycho. When did you get so fast?"

He peers at me, as if he can't really believe I'm here. He gives me a big grin, his eyeliner slightly smudged, and I instinctively rub my cheek as I just know I've got a smear somewhere.

"I'm so happy to see you. It's been weeks. I heard you left town."

I motion towards to the bar, signalling for us to head over as I start to fill him in. "Yeah, I've moved up north. It's nice."

The bar is quite empty, but it's not unusual for this time of day. Disappointment edges in though when I realize there's no sight of Butch, Vito, or Chuck.

Volts heads behind the bar, grabbing a glass as he looks at me expectantly. "The usual?"

I deliberate for a moment, coming to the conclusion it's best not to get wasted when I need to drive back to Phoebe's soon. I'm also going to be drinking with her later, so I opt for just a light beer.

"Where is everyone?" I ask, looking around again.

Volts hands me my drink, following my gaze. "It's been pretty quiet recently. I haven't seen Butch for a few days. You never know though, he might turn up."

I take a sip as I nod, trying to mask the sadness I actually feel.

"It's fine," I say, giving Volts a reassuring smile. "It's good to catch up with you though."

We chat for awhile at the bar, with him filling me in about work and some new music he's discovered. We like a lot of the same bands, so we whip out our phones, playing songs as we hang. I log into Facebook to show him pictures of Carmen, Jeremy and Jasmine, and tell him about them. He's also thrilled to hear about my job, dubbing us "bar bitches" together.

I'm just about ready to call it and head back to Phoebe's when the bar door opens, flooding us with light. I look over like an old reflex, to see who the newcomers are. My heart stops completely as I spot Butch.


I fling myself off the bar stool, weaving in and out of the tables and chairs and launching myself against him. He catches me with a low chuckle, hugging me back.

"Hiya, Lee. It's good to see you too."

Stepping back, he takes the opportunity to motion a drink to Volts, before giving me a tight smile.

I slap his chest, not hard enough to hurt but enough that he can register my annoyance.

"You didn't respond to my message. Or say hello to me the other day."

Butch lets out an uncharacteristic sigh and leads me to our usual booth in the corner. I slide onto the seat, waiting for him to start talking.

"Things are messy right now, Lee. You know I'd tell you if I could. But it's just business."

Tears threaten to form but I take a deep breath instead, using my years of control to push it back.

"Is Chuck okay at least?" I ask.

He nods. "He's fine. But he shouldn't have taken off with you. Personally, I get it. But it is, what it is."

I drop my gaze, focusing on a smudge on the table's rough surface. "I was happy, Butch. This is bullshit."

Butch reaches over, grabbing my hand. "I know. And you will be happy again. You can't be mixed up with us though. Not like that."

I shake my head. "I don't care though."