Page 17 of Pretty Savages

"Ow! Really?"

I stand up from the bed, dragging my suitcase to the floor. "I will get there. We can go shopping when I get back. But try not to burn the house down with your eggs in the meantime."

Jeremy points a finger at me. "Don't you start on me as well. Jaz gives me enough shit about my cooking. Besides, you're the one leaving me without pancakes for a few days," he accuses.

Putting my hands on my hips, I glower back at him. "You love me, and you know it. I will teach you how to make pancakes if you want.Ifyou help me take this suitcase to my car."

He jumps up, stretching his arms. "Ahh… need some muscles, ay? I have plenty."

I look him up and down, raising an eyebrow. Jeremy is tall and lanky, with biceps about the same size as my own. But he is quite strong… or maybe I just don't want to carry the suitcase and risk falling off the porch.

We manage to get my stuff into the Chevy. It's a numbing feeling knowing I'm about to head down the highway to hell, but I keep telling myself it's for a good reason, and I'll be back in my tiny house with my insane roommates soon enough.

Carmen and Jaz return home shortly after, carrying groceries. The four of us take them inside and put them away.

Carmen whips out a six-pack of beer, handing us each a can. "One last drink before you go."

I look at her like she has a halo above her head. "You're amazing," I say, cracking open my can.

"I know," she replies, shrugging and giving me a wink.

The four of us sit on the porch, enjoying the sun and killing some time before I go. It's going to be a long drive back, so Jasmine has sent me a Spotify playlist for the trip, full of her favorite songs. As I scroll through the list, I laugh at some of the music choices, knowing Jeremy has also had a hand in this.

"You guys are weird," I mutter, pocketing my phone when I'm finished.

"True," Jer says, reaching over to bump my beer can with his. "But you like us anyway."

I roll my eyes, giving him a sour face. "Sure. You're alright. Don't miss me too much."

Jaz shakes her head as Jer hums in thought. "I'll do my best. We're meant to have some rain coming over the next few days. Just think how much better the lake will be when you return."

"It's a date," I grin at the three of them. "Because believe me, I'm definitely coming back."

Chapter seven

Thefourhourdrivegoes way too quick, the familiar lights on the edge of the town coming into view.

It feels like nothing has changed, but at the same time, everything.

It's late, so thankfully it's dark and most people are at home. I only pass a few cars, and even when I pass Wheels on my way in, it's closed with an empty carpark.

I should probably make an effort to call in once to see the guys. They would have had their meeting by now, and whatever happened, Chuck never came back. I didn't expect him to, but I still held onto a little bit of hope. But I'm not that lucky.

Muscle memory nearly makes me turn into a street, and I quickly realize it's the route to my old house. My mind starts wandering against my better judgement. I wonder if Asher is still there… and what happened to Zayn and Blake. I know my Mom is on the ranch with Gareth, so did the twins take off again? Or did they stay?

Images of the five of them being a perfect little family haunt me, and I'm torn between the feelings of hurt, and the aggression of red hot anger.

I swallow those feelings down, filing them away as I close off my emotion. Now isn't the time to reminisce. I meant it when I said I was done.

The friendly, familiar cream house comes into view, and I park my car at the front. Before I can even fully get out of the car, the front light turns on and Phoebe emerges from the doorway. We look at each other before she rushes down the steps and crosses the gravel to me.

"Oh, Phoebs," I say, hugging her back as she tackles me into the side of the Chevy. "Fuck, I'm so sorry."

Phoebe pulls back, giving me a smile. "You came. That's all that matters. Even if it is ridiculously late."

I offer her a sheepish grin. "Sorry. Long drive and I didn't want to hit traffic."

Popping the trunk, I fetch my suitcase and lug it up the steps into Phoebe's living room. Behind me, Phoebs comes inside and heads straight for the adjoining kitchen, pouring us a wine each.