“We should probably find something else to occupy your mind,” Jack whispered.


“You’re staring.”

“I’m his girlfriend,” she said, breaking her attention and looking back up at Jack. “I’m allowed to stare.”

“They’re not together, Lexi.”

Lexi’s brow furrowed at Jack’s words. “I know!”

“Just thought you needed the reminder.”

“Well, I don’t.”

Jack touched her elbow softly when she turned away from him to stare at Ramsey again.

“Ramsey’s not stupid. He won’t f**k up, Lexi,” Jack said. “Trust me…he told me.”

Lexi’s mouth went dry. Instead of reacting, she closed off. She couldn’t hear that. It made her insane, like she literally wanted to hurt someone…primarily Bekah but just because she was a bitch. Lexi should like the fact that Ramsey had said he was never going to f**k up, but the audacity irritated her. He had already f**ked up. He had f**king lied to her over and over and over again. He had built their relationship on a foundation of lies, and the worst one was currently standing at his side, giving an interview with him.

“This is a huge achievement for the two of you and at such a young age. What was the catalyst that triggered the decision to open a new hospital in the Atlanta area?” the reporter asked Ramsey and Parker.

Lexi listened from a distance.

“It’s something we’ve always talked about doing,” Ramsey said, “but after Parker graduated from medical school and started working as a surgeon, we knew that there would be no better time.”

Wait, wait, wait—Parker was the catalyst behind this endeavor? That was the story they were going with? Of course, in the back of her mind, Lexi knew that it was a better story to sell to the press. But the rest of her wanted to stomp right over there and give them the real story.

Lexi’s eyes narrowed as Ramsey placed his hand on the small of Parker’s back.

“She’s the mastermind behind the project. It’s all her.” Ramsey didn’t move his hand.

It was just for the press. It was just for the press. It was just for the press.

“Uh…maybe we should take a walk,” Jack said, grabbing her elbow.

“Did you f**king hear that?” she blurted out.

“Yeah. It might be best for you to walk off the steam blowing out of your ears right now,” he said.

“Fine,” she grumbled, still glaring at Ramsey as he easily chatted with the reporter.

She had stopped listening. It clearly wasn’t healthy for her to do so.

They turned together, Jack leading her farther away from Ramsey and Parker. He was right. She needed to get away from that. It was just a show, and really, it didn’t matter. Just a dumb ceremony—that was all.

“Lexi,” someone called as they veered away from the groundbreaking area.

John came into view, and she almost groaned. As far as she knew, he hadn’t met Jack yet. This was going to be fun.

“You aren’t leaving, are you?”

“No. I was just going to get some water,” she lied through her teeth.

Jack looked away and tried to hide a smile. She must really suck at lying. Well, after being out of practice for a couple of years now, that tended to happen. It was a good thing as far as she was concerned.

“I don’t believe we’ve met,” John said, holding his hand out to Jack. “John Ward. I’m one of the leads on the medical wing project through Global.”

Jack took John’s hand in his and squeezed. “Jack Howard. I’m a senior accounting executive at Bridges.”

Worlds collided.

Lexi wanted to run as fast as she could until her lungs burned, her legs shook, her breathing came out in gasps, and she literally couldn’t carry herself any farther. That would be better than standing here in this moment.

They released hands, but something had shifted in John. She didn’t know what it was, but she was sure she wouldn’t like it.

“Come on, Jack. I really need that water,” she said, pushing him in the opposite direction.

“Is this the guy?” John asked before she could run off.

Jack’s features screwed up at the question, and Lexi wished she could just keep walking.

“What?” she managed.

“The one I don’t compare to?”

Lexi groaned. Great. Her words were getting thrown back at her.

Jack’s head snapped to the side to look at Lexi, but she couldn’t even meet his eyes.

“Huh. I thought he’d be a little…bigger,” John said, sizing Jack up.

“John, just cut it out.”

“Lex, what is he talking about?” Jack demanded.

“I could take him,” John said offhand.

He smiled at her with that insufferably arrogant look on his face, and she just waited for a f**king fight to break out.

Christ! Neither of these guys were even her boyfriend! Her boyfriend was currently with his ex-girlfriend. Perfect.

“Jack is married,” she told John, surprised that she managed to say it without wincing. “In fact, he’s married to a Bridges vice president. Jack and I are just friends, and you’re acting like an ass**le.”

“Oh, wait,” Jack said, like something had clicked into place. “You’re Adam’s brother.”

“Adam is my younger brother.”

“He’s the dick you f**ked when you went back to New York?” Jack asked, shaking his head in disbelief.

John actually laughed at that.

Great! She was a big f**king joke right now.

“That is none of your business. None of this is either of your business,” she said, smacking John for laughing and then smacking Jack just as hard. “Both of you can f**k off.”

Lexi stormed away. As if she wasn’t already angry enough with Ramsey, those two had to have a f**king dick-measuring contest right in front of her. She couldn’t believe John had brought that stuff up about Jack right in front of him, and then Jack had laid out her dirty laundry where anyone could f**king see!

Jack caught up to her easily. “Lex, Lex, slow down. Come on, I’m sorry,” he said, reaching out for her to stop her in place. “I was surprised, that’s all.”

She slowed to a walk, and Jack fell into step next to her. He didn’t say anything else, and she didn’t really want to know what he was thinking. She wanted to get the f**king water she had said she was going to get and then get back to Ramsey. Maybe he would be done with Parker by then! She almost growled in frustration at the thought. What the hell had her world come to? She knew that this groundbreaking ceremony was going to be a bad idea. Too many people in one place.