“What was that, Ramsey?” she asked, shaking her head and pacing back forth. “Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. I know you said that you would kill anyone who touched me, but I didn’t think that was a literal statement! I thought that you would just scare the person to get him to leave me alone.”

“He’s scared now.”

“Oh, stop talking. Just stop talking!” Lexi breathed in and out sharply, trying to keep her calm but finding no serenity from which to draw from. “Boys and their stupid fighting! As if this solves anything! It only makes everything worse!”

“I was coming to find out what was wrong with you at the ceremony. Don’t think it slipped by me that something was going on with you. Then, I come back here and find you like this? Is this what the problem is? Is it John?” Ramsey asked.

“No! It’s you!” she spat and then covered her mouth in horror.

Chapter 18

Lexi jogged down the beach in nothing but a purple bikini top, short black hot pants, and running shoes. Her breathing was heavy, and her long brown hair was whipping around her face at her quick pace. This was her favorite place in the world—sand beneath her feet, expansive ocean as far as the eye could see, breathing in the salty sea air.

She was close to the beach house already, and her wanting to turn back around and run another couple miles had everything to do with the desire to soak up some more sun. It had nothing to do with the fact that the only reason she was at the beach at all was because she was on vacation with Ramsey’s family.

The one week she was allowed off during the year, and they’d had to use it to spend the time with his family who hated her. Okay, they didn’t all hate her, but it was never a pleasant experience. As if it wasn’t bad enough that she had to spend time with his parents, Bekah, Jack, and Parker had tagged along for the occasion. Parker was practically family with the Bridges since opening the medical wing with Ramsey…and maybe even before then. It didn’t make any of this any easier.

Lexi slowed to a jog and then a walk, letting her heart rate come down. Sweat glistened on her in the late afternoon heat. She wasn’t sure how long she had been gone, but by the direction of the sun, she would guess she had been running for at least an hour, if not longer. How far had she run? She would have to map it when she got back.

Her feet carried her away from the ocean and through the loose sand, back up to the massive beach house Ramsey’s family owned on the Florida coast. Ramsey had his own house, but they had decided to go to his parents’ place because it was a bit bigger. The only benefit was that their room was far enough away from everyone else that no one could hear them, and she couldn’t hear anyone else.

Jack was sitting on the deck with his feet propped up on the balcony, reading a beat-up paperback. He didn’t glance up until she was climbing the short flight of stairs. His eyes traveled her tiny form wearing practically nothing while she was coated in sweat and sand, and he smirked. She smiled shyly, reading his mind.

There was nothing she could do about him being attracted to her, and she wasn’t going to go running on the beach in more clothes with the off chance that she might see him.

And him sitting around in nothing but blue swim trunks didn’t help her much. His dark hair was shorter, and his eyes…those blue eyes were as bright as ever as they stared at her.

“Have a good run?” he asked, flipping the book over and resting it on his leg.

“Yeah. It’s nice to be back on the beach,” she told him. “What are you reading?”

“Oh, this?” he asked, flipping to the front. “One of the Wheel of Time books by Robert Jordan.”

“Do you like it?”

Jack looked so relaxed. She couldn’t see him focusing on anything without enjoying it thoroughly.

“Yeah. Not usually my preference, but the guy can tell a story. We’ll see if I make it through all fourteen books.” Jack shrugged. “What are y’all doing tonight?”

Even though they were at the same house as everyone else, they hadn’t all been spending a lot of quality time together. Lexi hadn’t wanted to see any of them, and Ramsey had been happy to spend more alone time with her. It still didn’t feel quite like a vacation, but it was better than being at work.

“Not sure we have anything planned. You?”

“Bekah is meeting some friends from college who live in the area, so I’m by myself tonight.”

“She doesn’t want you to go with?” Lexi asked, remembering the time that she and Jack had been at the beach together with all their friends. She would have never thought of not including him, but then again, they were mutual friends.

“I didn’t really want to go, honestly,” he said with a laugh. “Her friends are a bit much for me. I’d rather sit here and read all night than listen to the constant chatter.”

“I get that.”

“So, if you guys are doing something, just let me know. Otherwise, I’ll be here,” he said, holding up his book.

“Will do,” she told him. “Right now, I think I need a shower.”

“Probably for the best.”

“I’ll let you know about tonight,” Lexi said, turning and walking into the quiet beach house.

Ramsey’s parents were around here somewhere, so she hurried to the back bedroom. She had been avoiding them all week when she could. And she didn’t really want them to see her like this. She felt grimy, and she was already anticipating the feel of the shower washing away the grit.

Lexi opened the door to the bathroom that also connected to their room. She pulled out a towel and set it on the counter for her to use. She was about to turn on the shower when she heard voices coming from the bedroom.


She reached forward for the handle to open the door to find out who Ramsey was speaking with, but something held her back. Her fingers brushed against the doorknob, and then she let her hand drop back to her side. Moving forward, she pressed her ear to the thin wood and strained to hear the conversation on the other side.

“Are we having this conversation again?”

Lexi was just able to make out that Ramsey was talking. He hadn’t raised his voice, but she could tell he sounded irritated.

“I’m not sure why we’re having this conversation again, but I’m going to keep having it until it gets through to you,” Parker said.