Chyna smiled her supermodel smile, and then she proceeded down the aisle in a smooth light gait, not rushed but not slow.

The best part of it all was that Chyna needed no one to walk her down the aisle. In most circumstances, this would be a moment of embarrassment, of hushed whispers among the guests. But Chyna had refused to invite her parents, and there was no one else that she wanted to give her away. Lexi had suggested Frederick, and Chyna had just laughed at the very idea of it. Frederick was seated on the bride’s side, but he couldn’t be the one to do it. She had reasoned that she was completely independent now, and thus, she should be free to give herself away.

Lexi thought it was perfect.

Chyna’s eyes found Adam on the platform, and they didn’t leave his the entire way. There could be no one else in the room, and Chyna would have been happy. This was the man she had always wanted, and he was right in front of her. She was finally going to have the happiness she deserved.

Chyna stopped at the platform, handed off her bouquet of flowers to Lexi, and then moved into place in front of her husband-to-be.

The officiant smiled down upon them before speaking. “On behalf of the bride and groom, I would like to welcome you all to the union of Chyna Van der Wal and Adam Ward. Please be seated.”

He waited for the crowd to readjust to their seats before continuing. “I am pleased to be here today to join together a pair so well suited for each other. I have heard nothing but praise and blessings showered down on them since meeting them and speaking with their friends and family. And it is with great pleasure that I conduct this ceremony. If you’ll join hands, we’ll begin.”

Chyna and Adam clasped hands together and stared up into each other’s eyes. Lexi had been surprised that Chyna, who was one of the least traditional people that she knew, had wanted a very traditional wedding. She hadn’t wanted anything in a church, but the ceremony itself seemed very important to her, and it had translated into what the wedding planner had put together for them.

He turned to Adam first. “Adam, do you intend to take this woman whose hand you hold to be your lawful wedded wife? Do you pledge before your friends and family to love, honor, and protect her through sunshine and shadow alike, keeping yourself for her alone, until death separate you? If so, answer I do.”

Adam turned and looked directly at Chyna. Lexi could see him from her vantage point, and it sent a shiver up her spine. He loved Chyna so much that it was almost unbelievable. There was no way that anyone could miss it. It made her heart pound, just seeing the devotion on his face.

He answered, “I do.”

The officiant repeated the statement of intent to Chyna, and she also answered in the affirmative. Lexi’s heart fluttered.

“Now, Adam, if you’ll repeat after me,” the officiant said, preparing them for the vows, “I, Adam, take you, Chyna, to be my wife…”

Lexi watched them exchange vows through the tears welling in her eyes.

“To have and to hold from this day forward…”

She had never been so sure of a marriage before. Chyna and Adam just worked together.

“For better or for worse…”

They were polar opposites coming together, balancing each other out, and creating a harmony in each other’s lives.

“For richer or for poorer…”

That was what Chyna needed more than anything, and Adam was the only one who was capable of providing that.

“In sickness and in health…”

It was what Lexi wanted, what she had been searching for all along…

“To love and to cherish, excluding all others…”

Someone who didn’t need to take care of her. Someone who didn’t need her to take care of them. But a balance…

“As long as we both shall live.”

Someone who didn’t need anything but her.

The officiant spoke briefly about the significance of the wedding rings—how the ring formed a perfect circle as a symbol of eternity and showed the duration of the commitment they were making to each other. Chyna and Adam looked ecstatic at the prospect, and Lexi just felt like a weight was crushing her shoulders.

“Repeat after me, I give you this ring as a symbol of my vow…”

Commitment—there was that word again. It all came down to that, to knowing that she was going to spend the rest of her life with this one person.

“And with all that I am…”

And not because she had to but because she wanted to. She couldn’t imagine a minute of your future without that person. She couldn’t imagine there ever being another person waiting at the altar for her.

“And with all that I have…”

But Lexi…could.

“I will honor you.”

It made Lexi’s head spin at the very notion. She tried to remain in the present, but it was hard not to visualize herself standing in Chyna’s shoes and wondering if she would be as excited as her friend. Judging by how sick she was feeling standing next to Chyna…Lexi kind of doubted it. How was she supposed to stand there in just over six months without trembling and wondering if she was making the right choice?

“And now, by the authority vested in me and in accordance with the laws of the great State of New York, I now pronounce you man and wife. You may kiss the bride.”

Adam smiled brightly. “With pleasure,” he whispered just faintly enough for Lexi to hear before pulling his wife into his arms and crushing their lips together.

The crowd clapped and cheered at their union. Lexi even heard a few whistles and catcalls as they stood together in an intimate lip-lock before all their friends and family in attendance. When they pulled apart, Chyna was giggling, and tears were welling in her eyes. Lexi had never in her life seen Chyna look so happy.

They turned to face the crowd as the officiant ended the ceremony.

“It is my pleasure to introduce to you for the very first time, Adam and Chyna Ward.”

Everyone rose to his or her feet, and the applause continued. Lexi handed Chyna back her intricate bouquet of flowers. Adam and Chyna lifted their clasped hands high, and everyone cheered louder.

Lexi glanced across the altar at John. In that moment, it was the least guarded she had ever seen him, and he looked genuinely happy for his brother. After what had happened with him and Chyna, it had taken a long time for them to be able to let it go. She didn’t even see a trace of it on his face.