It was a bustle of activity as doctors, nurses, and patients flitted about in the midst of activity. Lexi smiled at a wide-eyed receptionist at the front. She had caramel-colored skin with long black hair and brown eyes.

“Hey, Cierra!” Lexi said with a wave.

Cierra had been with the company since day one, and Lexi thought she was one of the best hires. Cierra had a great smile and was always able to calm people down like no one else.

“Hey, Lexi!” she said, waving. “Good to see you today. How is your case coming along? Are you kicking ass?”

Lexi chuckled and shook her head. “I wish it were over. How are things here?”

“Peachy. Smooth-sailing. Some of the doctors called out. I guess something has been going around, but it’s been fine. No complaints at least,” Cierra said with a giggle.

“They should know better than to complain to you about it anyway.”

“You know that’s the truth.”

A patient walked up then, and Lexi stepped back.

“See you later, Cierra.”

“Bye, girl.”

Ramsey’s office was on the top floor of the colossal building. He had always preferred his office at the clubs to be shrouded in secrecy with a full view of everything else that was going on. He hadn’t wanted something so extravagant, but the architects had said that offices were best on the top floors to get them out of the way. Then, they had kind of gone out of their way to make sure Ramsey had something nice. He had considered firing them over it, but Lexi had talked him off the edge. It had been a nice gesture.

She stepped out onto the top floor and over to Ramsey’s office. The lights were off, and his secretary was missing. He hated having a secretary, but with the added responsibilities, it was a necessity.

He should still be here though. He never left the office this early. Plus, most days, he would call her to let her know when he was on his way home to her. Sometimes, she was impressively domesticated, and she would cook him dinner if she got home first. She wasn’t a great cook by a long shot, but he never complained about it.

And that was why she was a bit confused as to where he was.

Lexi pulled out her phone to call him when she heard voices coming from next door. Maybe someone else knew where he was.

Taking a deep breath, she walked to the other office—Parker’s office. Her secretary was also absent, Lexi noticed as she approached. Her stomach knotted uncontrollably even though she knew she was overreacting. Ramsey had proposed to her last week. There was nothing going on with him and Parker. There hadn’t been anything going on with them for years. She wished her stomach would cooperate, but it wouldn’t. It never did when she knew they were together. And she most certainly knew they were together now.

Her hands balled into fists as she rounded the corner and stared through the glass windows into Parker’s office. It was as it always was—a hot mess. Paperwork was stacked high on every surface. Parker rarely ever got to them because she would spend more time in surgery, helping people, than anywhere else. Medical equipment sat in boxes, some half-opened, some still in plastic containers, while a few others were out and looked like she had been trying them out. A bicycle was in the corner. Lexi wasn’t sure what it was doing there. Parker didn’t live close enough to bike into work, and Lexi wasn’t sure what people would think if Parker took that thing into the elevators. Some clothes had been strewn into the corner—a couple pairs of scrubs, the black maxi dress she had worn yesterday, a few other random articles of clothing, and at least three pairs of shoes. She must practically live here.

But what Lexi didn’t want to take in as she surveyed the room was what she couldn’t help but see.

Ramsey was sitting on the couch, completely relaxed, with one arm on the armrest and the other on the back of the couch. He had a gigantic smile on his face, and he looked like he had been laughing all afternoon. Parker was lying back on the couch, her head on the opposite armrest, with her feet pressed against Ramsey’s thigh. As Lexi stood there, she watched Parker say something that Lexi couldn’t make out. Parker then threw her head back in laughter as she kicked out at Ramsey for whatever he had said in response.

Lexi felt numb from her fingers to her toes. She stared unblinkingly at the display before her, knowing that it was just them. It was just Ramsey and Parker and the way they interacted, the way they had always interacted. It was this inherent familiarity that they had since they had known each other their whole lives…and loved nearly as long. Chyna had once equated it to how Lexi was with Jack.

Maybe it was. Maybe it was platonic at this point. Maybe it shouldn’t make her sick.

It wasn’t like they were having sex on the couch or anything. They weren’t actually doing anything, except sitting around and laughing. They were completely clothed aside from Parker not wearing shoes. There was no reason for Lexi to feel like this, but she still did.

Ramsey noticed Lexi first, straightening visibly before standing. Parker realized that Lexi was there next, but instead of adjusting herself, she just smiled brighter and waved Lexi inside.

Lexi moved mechanically to the door and walked in. A part of her wanted to turn around and just walk away. She wouldn’t do it, of course. Ramsey and Parker hadn’t been doing anything wrong. Lexi was just making up about a billion scenarios in her head. But that was all it was—her imagination getting the best of her.

“Hey, y’all,” Lexi said as the door closed behind her.

“Lexi, speak of the devil, we were literally just talking about you,” Parker said, her feet falling onto the ground as she sat up on the couch.

Just talking about me now…when you were laughing?

That was what Lexi wanted to ask, but of course, she didn’t.

“What about?” she asked instead.

“We were talking about the look on my parents’ faces when we made our announcement this weekend,” Ramsey filled in.

That was funny? Lexi thought it had been pretty horrifying.

“Anything that makes them look like that is a good thing,” Parker threw out there.

“And here I thought, they hated me,” Lexi said, staring between them.

Parker shifted her feet and stared at the ground.

Ramsey shook his head and started to walk toward her. “They don’t hate you.”

“They don’t treat many people very well,” Parker said. “I mean, they were rotten to me for years.”