“I second that,” said Roger as two cold bags slid off his shoulders.

“Merry Christmas!” called out a young girl dressed as one of Santa’s elves, and handed each of them a program. She also handed each boy a set of foam antlers to wear. Josh read the program and noted there was a three-legged race – decisions, decisions.

“Found you!” called out Janelle. “Here they are,” she said to Rex, who was busy chatting to a few people.

Janelle dropped her bags and opened up a blanket. “I didn’t think we’d get here. Kristy might be a little late, something’s cropped up and she said she’ll turn up later.”

Josh pulled out his phone and texted Kristy.

Everything alright?

Kristy texted back:

Yes, fine thanks. Just the usual chores at the end of the day.

Why did he feel things were off? Unease slithered into his being. Something didn’t sound right. Kristy would be prepared for this.

“Dad? Can we go in the races?”

Josh nodded. “Yes, give me an hour. I’m just going to check on your Aunt Kristy.”

“She’s fine,” said Janelle, as she started opening the large tray of sandwiches.

“I’ll just make sure and we can ease up.”

He turned to Phyllis and Roger and they nodded okay. He ruffled his sons’ heads, “I’m just going to pick up your Aunt Kristy. Now you do everything that Nan and Pop ask you to do, okay?”

Both of his sons nodded and he gave them each a kiss on the top of their heads.

Five minutes later he was driving to Kristy’s place. He didn’t care what anybody thought, but he just needed to see her. Given her busy timetable it was hard to see her alone, let alone have a personal conversation. He couldn’t head back to Sydney without a few things settled between them first.

Relief flooded him when he saw her four-wheel-drive still in the driveway. He didn’t bother looking into the shop front, he knew she wouldn’t be there. He headed straight for the stables.

Something caught his eye. In the bottom paddock he saw Kristy with the latest foal under her care.


As he drew closer he saw her body stiffen as he ran down the gentle slope to join her.

“Why haven’t you left? Is everything alright?” he asked.

Kristy bit her bottom lip. “Everything’s fine. I plan to drop by, but just a little later, that’s all.”

She gave him a half smile. Lately he’d become addicted to her full-on wattage smile that could light a street. Something was definitely off.

He leaned against the wooden railing hoping to gain a clearer understanding of what was going on. “What is it?”

Josh studied her beautiful face hoping for a hint. In years gone they’d have said Kristy was a handsome woman, with her dark long hair, small ringlets framing her forehead set against a pale skin and big brown eyes.

She let out a deep sigh. “I think I’m getting too close to the boys. I think it might be best if I started easing off a little. You know?”

His heart dropped. Josh ran a nervous hand through his hair. What the hell was she talking about? “Kristy, do you mean we’re getting too close? This has nothing to do with the boys and if so, you’re going to have to explain that one to me. Please.”

* * *

Kristy stared at Josh. The urge to turn away was strong, but there was something so compelling in the concern she saw etched across his face she couldn’t. He cocked his head inching ever close to her and she could almost feel her resolve melt into a puddle at her feet.

“Okay. I’ll say it. I’m getting attached to you and the boys and it frightens the hell out of me.”