This was what she lived for. This work gave her the greatest pleasure. The foal looked about and took a step backwards, unsure. The driver unhooked her reins and let them loose a little to allow her more freedom. He didn’t force anything. The little one took a step forward but stayed put in the truck, looking about.

Kristy walked up the truck’s plank in an effort to encourage the filly to come down.

“Beautiful girl,” Kristy encouraged. “Come on, this is the easy part.” Kristy put out her hand for the filly to sniff. The driver handed Kristy the reins and the filly took a tentative step forward to sniff Kristy’s hand.

Kristy took another step backwards and the filly followed. After another step the filly continued walking until she reached the grass area, then she kicked up her back legs and started to pull away from Kristy’s hold on her.

* * *

An hour later, Josh sat on the verandah with a cold beer in his hand, the boys next to him. Josh studied the new filly in the paddock. He’d drawn the conclusion grass set her off in motion. She hadn’t stopped jumping and running around, or kicking out with her back legs.

Kristy joined them from the stables. “Isn’t she gorgeous? I’m so happy with her.”

“How long do you have her, Auntie Kristy?” asked Jaiden.

“I have her for a month. She’s just left her mother today for the first time. This is a big deal for her. She has to learn to work with me and I’ll learn a little about her. I’ll teach her a few things and she has new mates in the paddock she’ll get to know and run around with. Once we see what she likes we’ll have a better idea of what to do with her next.”

“She’s left her mother? But she’s only a baby,” wailed Blaydon.

Kristy knelt in front of him. “He has a lot to learn in his life and I’m his first teacher and I get him ready for the next stage of his life. That could be racing horses around a track, doing nothing, or competing in different horse competitions like rodeo or equestrian events, where she dresses up and so does the rider and they have to do certain things.”

She took each of the boys’ hands. “Come on, let’s say hello to her.”

Josh followed them. He marvelled at Kristy’s patience in getting the filly to slowly trust her.

The boys leaned against the fence.

“Now put your hand out like that, to show her that you’re friendly and don’t mean her any harm. Show her the top of your hand, don’t fist your fingers, just relax your hand. She’ll notice and when she’s ready she’ll come across and sniff you. She might even want to nibble you. She’s only a baby, so don’t get frightened of her and if you’re not frightened she won’t be frightened either.”


Both boys nodded and put out their hands.

After a few minutes the young filly came up very slowly for a sniff.

Josh studied his boys. Not for the first time he wondered if he were doing more harm than good in allowing them to sleep with Amanda’s ashes each night. Here he was traipsing around the countryside with their mother’s ashes in an urn. Maybe it was time to lay Amanda to rest.

“Look, Dad,” whispered Jaiden as the filly nibbled the top of his hand. The boys grinned at him, happy as. He only wanted to see them happy, but maybe it was time to seriously think about letting them sleep without Amanda in the room. Slowly, slowly.


“Anything else?” asked Josh. He stared at the numerous packed picnic baskets and blankets he’d packed into the boot of his car. All afternoon the boys had been a jumbled mess of excitement and wonder. Finally it was Christmas Eve and they were all going to the festivities at Lette Oval.

“All good,” called out Phyllis.

Good. Josh slammed shut the back door of his SUV.

He opened the side passenger door and the boys climbed into the back seat. Roger climbed in after them and Phyllis slid into the passenger seat beside Josh. He put on his seat belt.

“Right, are the Waterford and Bridges families ready?”

His question let off a cheer so loud, he opened his window.

Twenty minutes later they entered Lette Park, which was already pretty full of families enjoying the evening. There were people on the make-shift stage checking the sound.

Phyllis touched his arm. “Can you see Janelle? I thought she was coming with Rex. Can you see Kristy anywhere?”

Josh put down their bags. “Let’s just park ourselves here. We’re by the stage and if anybody wants to see us they’ll find us.”