Josh rushed out of his car and took her hand. Together they ran across to the shooting gallery. He handed his money over and then picked up their guns and handed her one.

“Oh, no,” she said. “I’m going to watch. I’ve never used a gun.”

He grinned at her. “Well, it’s time you learnt how. I’m shooting ducks and so are you.”

Kristy picked up her gun; it was heavier than she expected and she didn’t know what to do. She didn’t hit a single duck and put down the gun.

“You’ve had a neglected childhood.” Josh paid out more cash and stood behind her. “Let’s start again.”

Kristy picked up her gun and he nudged his foot between hers, forcing her legs apart. Every nerve in her body woke up with a start. He slid his arms under hers, steadying them as she gripped the gun. He’d effectively wrapped himself around her. She could easily snuggle into him. It stunned her how much she wanted to do just that.

“What are you waiting for?” His warm breath brushed against her neck.

“To focus,” she whispered. “I…” she mumbled, unable to put together a sensible sentence.

“Just shoot the ducks, Kristy.”

With his guidance she managed to hit one. Pleased with herself she straightened and felt the full force of his body against hers. “Let’s do that again.”

“With pleasure,” he murmured. Josh handed over more money to the youngster. He grinned at her. “Come on, let’s see what you’ve got.”

He stepped away, leaving her alone. She missed his presence and this time didn’t hit one duck.

“What went wrong?” she asked.

He grinned at her. “You need to concentrate.”

Her body still tingled from his touch. She liked the feel of him; in fact, she liked it a little too much.

Josh handed over some more cash and picked up his gun.

He shot every duck – smashed the whole row.

“Wow! How did you do that?” she asked, marvelling at his unbeknown skill.

He grabbed her around the waist and swung her around. Words flew out of her head at the unexpected gesture.

“Easy, it takes practice.”

When she’d settled back down to earth, Josh laid his hand against her back and steered her towards the hot dog stand.

“Hey, mate,” the young kid called out. “Here’s your prize.” The guy held out a big teddy bear. It was white with pale blue feet, hands and ears. Cute as. Josh walked back to collect it and then handed it to her.

The hot dog stand was almost empty and they ordered one each with hot English mustard, and a cup of coffee. While Josh waited in line Kristy sat at the last spare table overlooking the river. She sat the teddy bear on her bag, not wanting it to get dirty.

As soon as Josh handed her a hot dog, her stomach grumbled. She took a big bite without a care in the world.

“Where’d you learn to shoot like that?” she asked.

“In the army.”

Kristy coughed, almost choking on her hot coffee.

“The army? Amanda never said you’d been in the army.” She searched her memory, but could not recall any mention of the army.

He laughed, the sound hollow to her ears. “My three rebellious years. Instead of doing what my parents expected, which was to go to uni, I joined the army.”

“Rebellious? I can’t imagine you in the army.”