“Speak to me. I’ll put the kettle on.”

Kristy flinched. “Don’t bother. I’ll head on home.”

There was deadness in her voice, and a finality to her words he didn’t like.

He stepped closer. “I can explain about Amanda’s urn. The boys had trouble getting to sleep and having her there helps.”

Kristy closed her eyes.

“Josh, I understand. In some way it must feel like you still have Amanda around, you can talk to her, take her with you, and keep her close by. It must give you some comfort.”

He reached out and touched her shoulders. “Hey, not so.”

Her big brown eyes stared up at him. “I disagree, but I’m not here to argue with you. What’s the point of me being here? Even spending time with you? You’re going home after Christmas. You’re going back to your life with the boys in Sydney and we might see you the following Christmas.”

He tightened his grip on her shoulders. “Kristy, what’s this really about?”

She blushed and for the first time he saw a vulnerable side to Kristy. He inched closer to her. “It’s shock. I didn’t expect to see Amanda still in your daily life.”

Her words filtered into his brain and took root.

Was Kristy right?

He didn’t mean it to be that way. Since Amanda’s death a few chores and actions were now their ‘new norm’, and they’d just evolved out of necessity and were now an entrenched part of their lives…was having Amanda’s urn a habit now, rather than a need?

Stunned, he lessened his grip on Kristy.

She wriggled away from him and opened the front door. The cool night air drifted in. “I’ll see you about Josh. Take care. I’ll see myself out.”

The door closed in his face.

He stood for a few minutes wondering what the hell had just happened. By all accounts Kristy was the one person in Bindarra Creek he’d known the longest and the one he knew the least about.

I don’t know Kristy.

He spied her brown envelope and picked it up. Josh settled himself down as he pulled out her business plan.


The following morning Kristy climbed offJasper, her four year old filly after their morning ride. She handed Jasper’s reins to Zoe.

“Do you mind giving Jasper her wash-down this morning? I don’t have time.”

Zoe raised an eyebrow. “Sure. No time or not in the mood?”

Kristy paused mid-movement. “Zoe, I’m not in the mood for anything today, so just cut it will you?”

Her head throbbed from a sleepless night and she was in no mood for chit chat. She stalked back to her office and from the corner of her eye she saw Rex coming in her direction.

Inwardly she groaned.What does he want?

She went to pull off her boots – one old, one new.

Where is my head today?

“Hey, Kristy,” called out Rex. “Have you got the timetable for the last orders for the Christmas boxes?”

She stared at Rex as he joined her.