When they reached the tree, Kirsty bent down and started searching. She could just remember the side of the tree.

She let out a soft sigh as she stared at the signatures scratched on the tree trunk. Memories of that time flooded in. “Ha! Here it is.”

Kristy stood aside to give the boys access.

“Come on, everyone, take a look at this. You see AW scratched into the bark? That’s your mum’s handiwork.”

Josh leaned forward for a look and ran his hands over the initials.

Kristy shook her head. “We were about eleven years old and your mum and I were caught talking in assembly. We were told to wait outside the principal’s office and we got bored and this is the result.”

The boys giggled and ran their hand over both their signatures. Kristy’s initials were right alongside Amanda’s.

She looked down at the boys. “I’ve never even shown that to my parents. It was the only time I’ve ever known your mother to be naughty. She was one of the good girls and the following year she was made school captain.”

“Wow!” cried out Blaydon.

Jaiden clung to his father’s leg.

Kristy tweaked his nose. “I think someone’s a little tired. Am I right?”

Jaiden nodded and Josh lifted him up and carried him out of the school grounds.

“I didn’t realise Amanda had been primary school captain, she never mentioned it,” said Josh.

“It was so long ago and life takes over. Come on, I’ll run you back – it’s a long walk.”

As they approached Kristy’s car she noticed the light was fading fast.

Kristy pulled out her car keys and clicked. Josh opened the back car door and settled Jaiden on the nearest seat. She ran to the other side to help him settle Blaydon in his seat. The little boy slumped over the seat belt. Kristy’s hand dove in to grab it and her hand brushed Josh’s hand.

She pulled back, almost hitting the back of her head on the rim on the inside of her car.

“Sorry,” she whispered.

Her eyes rose to meet his intense and unwavering gaze on her.

“You don’t have to apologise,” murmured Josh, his warm mellow voice reverberated in the car’s cabin. Josh’s eyes softened and they weren’t dark grey, not even really close. Just under the surface were layers of other colours.

Her heart revved into fifth gear.

He held out his hand. “Keys?”

Kristy looked down at his hands, at his brown arms, because he’d rolled up the sleeves of his shirt. It had been a while since she’d been driven anywhere with a guy. As Zoe often reminded her, Kristy’s last boyfriend was over two years ago, a local farmer who’d decided she wasn’t worth the effort.

She tossed him her keys and in minutes they were sitting side by side in the front of her car.

Without another word Josh started her car.

Inexplicably nervous, she glanced down at the brown envelope at her feet. “I’ve brought my business plan for next year. I’d love you to take a look, but it’s no big deal if you can’t. It’s Christmas, you’re on holiday, you’ve got the boys and plenty to do. If you don’t get a chance I’ll understand. It’s not that important.”

Heavens, what have I done?She didn’t mean to ramble on.

Josh pulled up outside Allan and Susan’s place. His large warm hand grabbed hers and squeezed it tight.

She glanced across at him as he gently tugged at her. “Hey, it is important,” Josh whispered.

Then he smiled and held her gaze. Damn, even the man’s smile captivated her like no other.