“Did you get stuck on babysitting duty this morning?” Chloe asks as she scans the extra-large pack of diapers. Forget selling Christmas trees. The ranch is going to sell diapers. We’ll make a fortune within a week.

“She’s mine.” It’s stupid to be so nervous about this. It’s not like the curvy woman in front of me is anyone to me. At this rate, she never will be.

The only hint that this news has affected her is the slight pause before she reaches for the next item. “I didn’t realize you were a father.”

I pretend to survey the offerings of gum and try to ignore the expression on her face. Why does she look disappointed? Nah, I’m imagining that. This is the problem with being nearly thirty and never having taken the time to date. I don’t know how to read a woman. “It’s new.”

Now she’s scanning without looking up at me, letting her dark hair fall like a curtain. My fingers itch to smooth it back so I can see her facial expression again. “What’s her name?”

“Abigail. Abigail Kringle,” I answer. Technically, I’m not a Kringle. They never adopted me the way they did my sister. I was already eighteen by the time I met them. But everyone calls me a Kringle, and with the baby and all, I figure I should embrace that. Give my little girl a last name she can be proud of.

She finally looks up then and says softly, “That’s a real pretty name.”

Yeah, I’ve read this whole thing wrong. She’s not into me at all. I’m not disappointed, not even a little bit. I take my bagged groceries, ignoring the jolt that goes down my arm when our fingertips brush. “Well, I asked Santa for a nanny this year. Maybe the big, jolly guy will do me a solid.”

I guess it’s a good thing I didn’t ask Santa for a date with the pretty cashier. I’d have made a fool of myself in front of the whole town.



He has a baby.I really am dumb.

All these weeks of watching him come to the store and hoping he’d ask me out, I’ve been a fool. I never seen him with a girlfriend, and the gossip around town is that all three of the fine-looking Kringle brothers are single. Well, except for West. He’s officially off the market since he’s dating Cassie.

But clearly, Micah was seeing someone secretly. He takes trips out of town regularly, something about business for the Christmas tree ranch he runs with his family. He must have a girlfriend who doesn’t live in Courage County. I can’t help but wonder what she looks like. What kind of woman catches a gruff cowboy like Micah’s attention?

As soon as he leaves, Emma May hurries up to me. “Thanks for opening the store today.”

She’s wearing a sheepish look, and I know she feels bad. She had to let me go due to financial problems three days ago. But when she needed someone to open up this morning, I volunteered without hesitating. It’s just the way people are in Courage County. You help a friend, no matter what.

“I’m glad I could help,” I answer, feeling my stomach churn from my encounter with Micah. I wish I’d known about the baby sooner. I wouldn’t have wasted all this time thinking about him and waiting for him.

She wrings her hands. “Any luck?”

“Not so far, but I’m sure something will turn up.” Normally, Ernie and Lorna at the diner are always looking for an extra set of hands but they were full up. Austin from the flower shop doesn’t need help either. Today, I’ll go see Mallory at Sew Cute. Maybe she has a job for me.

Three days later, I have to admit defeat. There’s no one in town who will hire me. I’m still good on rent for the next month. But it’s the Christmas season, and I know my mama could use help. I left our tiny town in Georgia that had no opportunities to find full-time work. I send money back home every week to help with my siblings. But if this keeps up, I won’t have anything to give her, and my heart hurts at the idea of my brothers and sisters going without.

Every morning, I scan the local newspaper and the social media group for the town. No one is hiring…except Micah and his silly request to Santa for a nanny. Technically, I could do the job. I mean, I’m the oldest of eight kids. I’ve definitely changed some diapers and handed out some bottles. It’s not the job that has me hesitating. It’s the idea of working closely around Micah. I’d see him every day, think about him every day.Like you’re not already doing that.

But the phone call from my mama finally forces my hand. Wendy is sick again and she needs an antibiotic. Everything is expensive but when you have no health insurance and a limited income, you have to choose between paying the doctor and buying needed medication. Mama managed the doctor fees, but the prescription is on me.

I borrow against my rent money with my gut churning. Meanwhile, I’m on the phone to Mama and reassuring her it’s fine. “I had a little in savings. You just help Wendy and don’t worry about it.”

After the online transfer is done, I see Micah’s post again. Screw it. I’ll find a way to be around him and stay professional. My siblings are counting on me, and I won’t disappoint them.

Before I can talk myself out of it, I hitch a ride from Walker to the Kringle Ranch. He used to be the grumpiest cowboy then he fell in love with Jenna from the Feed & Seed store. The way he looks at her, you’d think she’s responsible for making sure the sun rises every morning. I want a man to look at me that way one day. I wish that man could be Micah but that won’t ever happen now.

When I arrive at the ranch, part of me regrets not calling ahead, but I was afraid I would lose my nerve and never show up. The farm is huge and sprawling. There’s an old barn, a gift shop, and a long train decorated like a locomotive delivering toys. To the south of that is a home. Beyond the home, miles and miles of forest. A closer look has me realizing it’s the area where the trees are grown.

“This may have been a bad idea,” I mutter under my breath as I survey the buildings, trying to decide which one Micah might be in. I don’t even know where to go first.

“That’s how all my best stories start,” a deep voice says.

I turn to see Ledger Kringle. He’s always hanging out with Peyton, the bartender from Liquid Courage. He pulls off his cream-colored Stetson and gives me an apologetic glance. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you. What can I do for you?”

“I’m looking for Micah. About the nanny position.”