"I don't like living alone," he stated simply. "I've always liked having people around."

"Oh, I guess that makes sense."

Ramsey looked at her for the first time since Jessie had made the comment which had completely altered his typically laid-back attitude. "Come with me," he said pulling her upright.

Lexi's eyes shifted to Jessie whose expression had changed at Ramsey's obvious affections. Her lip was upturned as she gazed upon them with distrust and disgust. Lexi's mouth popped open at the unexpected look, but before she could speak a word in questioning, Ramsey was tugging her in the opposite direction.

As she got farther from the fire, she wrapped her arms tighter around herself to keep from losing any heat. He guided through the woods in the darkness and down a path that she hadn't noticed. She could tell Ramsey had spent a good deal of time on this land with the ease in which he navigated the terrain. "Here we are," he said showing her to a park bench.

Lexi sat willingly unable to keep her teeth from chattering. "This place is beautiful."

"Yeah I love it up here, but I don't get to come up very often anymore with…everything going on," he sat next to her drawing her into his body

"At least you can make time every now and again," she murmured snuggling close.

"Yeah it's worth it," he agreed.

Lexi felt his hot lips press against her ear placing soft kisses down to her earlobe. At that point, he drew the skin between his lips and sucked causing her to shiver all over, but not from the cold. His lips moved to her neck sucking and nibbling until she could feel herself getting warm to her very core.

"Ramsey," she murmured softly causing him to pull back to look at her. When she didn't say anything further, he moved forward capturing her lips in a sensual kiss. He parted her lips with his tongue and began to explore the feel of her. She loved the familiar taste of peppermint that always seemed to permeate from him. A moan escaped her lips and her hands reached out to slide into his jacket. Her nails dug through the shirt and he took the opportunity to pull her into his lap.

As she came up for breath, his hands began to wander up her shirt cupping her breast in his hand. He massaged it through the thin bra she had on under her layers of clothing causing her head to fall back in ecstasy. She found herself grinding against him as he continued to work his magic. He hardened underneath her tempting body. His body couldn't help but react to her even though he knew they were taking it slow, but with the way she was moving it was certainly addling his mind.

Lexi gasped as she felt him beneath her jeans wanting nothing more than to continue where this was headed. However, the thought of stripping down was horrifying in the freezing temperatures. Already her exposed torso was bitterly cold. Despite everything she wanted to do, Lexi pulled back Ramsey's hand and slid her shirt back in place. She moved forward pressing her torso against his chest to gain back some warmth.

"Sooooo…cold," she chattered into his ear.

He chuckled wrapping his arms around her tightly. "I guess forty degree weather isn't the best time to try and seduce you."

"It was your choice to come up here. You set your own terms," Lexi reminded him. Lexi nibbled his ear and shook her hips back and forth just to show him how much she wanted to continue, as well as how much he was missing.

"Now that isn't nice." He gripped her hips tightly between his capable hands causing her to stop her movement.

"Ramsey," she murmured softly.


"What was Jessie talking about?" she couldn't help but ask. She wanted to kick herself for being nosey. It was none of her business. His past was his past and she couldn't change it. It certainly didn't change how she would view him. Whatever Jessie was talking about was something Ramsey hadn't wanted to discuss. She hated that she had been a fool enough to bring it up especially after he had just admitted to attempting to seduce her. However, she couldn't keep herself from wondering. She couldn't keep herself from asking him either.

"Oh," he mumbled obviously uncomfortable. Lexi waited for him to decide what to do. If he wanted to continue, she would let him take his time. If not, then she would just revel in his warmth in silence. After a minute, Lexi was certain that he wasn't going to say anything, but he sighed and began speaking, "I dated this girl in high school who I took to prom."

"But you said you didn't have any girlfriends," she reminded him. He knew how she felt about lying. It wouldn't look good for him if that was the case.

Ramsey sighed again. "She wasn't my girlfriend. We just went to a lot of stuff together and so I took her to prom. Jessie was just going to tell a story about how we all came up here after prom. She stayed in her big red dress on the four wheeler, and then played Never Have I Ever with the rest of the group. We all learned a lot about each other and it eventually turned into more and…"

"You don't have to tell me the rest," Lexi said her curiosity not sated, but she hated making him sound so forlorn. It was like he was in his own personal hell just talking about it. As if he was ashamed of every word.

"Nah," he muttered moving her back to his side, "it's just I ended up f**k…sleeping with her next to the fire in front of pretty much everyone because she dared me I wouldn't. Everyone thought it was hilarious and never let me live it down when we're up here."

"Oh!" Lexi cried unable to keep the surprise from her face. She didn't care that he had slept with some random girl after prom, but it had still came as a surprise to her. She didn't know him all that well obviously.

"I wouldn't have brought you up here if I'd thought they were going to bring that up," he told her his green eyes glancing hesitantly into Lexi's.

Lexi shook her head. "It's not your fault. You can't change your past."

Ramsey shrugged. "Still didn't really mean for you to hear about me like that."

"As long as there aren't similar surprises continuing to await me then I think we'll be just fine," she told him nuzzling closer again. She felt Ramsey sigh in relief. "And if you'd brought me anywhere else, you might be getting some play right now," she told him cocking an eyebrow.

"Oh yea?" he asked his body coming alive underneath her at the implications.