Yet, she was still on her way to see him. She truly felt like an idiot. What kind of person puts herself through so much hell? The only reason she was doing this at all was because Ramsey had asked her to. Even though she had begged him not to make her do it, he had insisted. It wasn't the smartest moment of his life, but she had agreed albeit reluctantly.

She wasn't stupid enough to think that Jack had no hold on her anymore. She knew what he was capable of. But then maybe that was her greatest strength going into this situation. She knew that Jack had a pull on her…that he had always had a pull on her. She just had to resist him.

Easier said then done. She knew that for a fact. Look at how her resisting had gone on his birthday last year. She had ended up sleeping with him. But then here she was assuming that Jack even wanted to sleep with her. God, this was his wedding day!

She was being too pessimistic about the situation. If Jack wanted to be with Lexi, he had had more than a million opportunities for that to happen. And it hadn't happened. She had to accept the fact that they just weren't going to be together. She had gotten past that. Wasn't that the whole reason she was at this wedding? Wasn't that the whole reason she had flown down to Atlanta last year? She had wanted closure.

If anything, Ramsey had brought that semblance of closure. Having someone else to love fully was what had really brought her out of this obsession with Jack. No matter how much her heart told her that she wanted to be with him, she didn't honestly want to be with him. They were a train wreck together…as good as a train wreck could get, but still a train wreck.

Still, she wouldn't put it past Jack to be freaking out. She gulped hard at that thought. If he was freaking out then he would want the first thing that would calm him down. The fact that she was that thing infuriated her. He couldn't have his cake and eat it too. He was getting married in a few short hours. There was no way that she could allow him to seduce her in any way. He had a chance with her, and he had flat out chosen that evil wench over her. She didn't understand his decision, but it was still the decision he had made and he had to stick with it.

Lexi was so lost in her thoughts that she didn't even notice her surroundings, and she nearly ran into someone directly in front of her. "Sorry," she said not even glancing up as she tried to side-step the person she had ran into.

"Lexi?" the man asked.

When he said her name, she glanced up and gasped at the person standing before her. "Clark? What are you doing here?" Lexi was utterly stunned. This seemed like the last person that Jack would invite to his wedding and also the last wedding that Clark would attend. As far as she knew, Clark still hated Jack with a fiery passion. They had once been good friends, but Clark had never forgiven him for cheating with Lexi. Not that Lexi blamed him, it was a terrible thing that they had done, but it just didn't make sense that he was here.

"I was invited. What are you doing here?" he asked narrowing his eyes as he looked at the direction she had been headed.

"I…I…" She was so stunned she couldn't even gather an answer for him. There were too many reasons as to why she was here, and knowing Clark he would be able to deduce a few easily. He was too intuitive for his own good. He always had been. She could already see the pieces falling together in his head.

"Please don't tell me you are here for Jack," he demanded his jaw clenching at the very thought.

"Uh…well kind of."

"Lexi, seriously? On his wedding day?" Clark asked furrowing his brow and shaking his head in disbelief.

"No not like that!" she cried hating that she even had to defend herself against this. "I'm dating one of the groomsmen." God, that didn't sound good either. She was sure that it looked like she was just involved with one of the groomsmen to get to Jack. Ugh, why was Clark even here?

"Right…you're dating one of his friends. That doesn't sound familiar," he grumbled under his breath.

"Jesus Clark, I don't have time for this. What are you actually doing here?"

"I couldn't believe he was marrying someone other than you. I wanted to see it first hand," he said with an easy shrug.

Lexi rolled her eyes dramatically. "If you came here just to taunt us about our past, then get over yourself. What happened was years ago Clark."

"Oh yeah, where were you headed so intently?" he asked arching his eyebrows.

"I have to go talk to Jack," she admitted slowly. Clark looked at her pointedly. "Just butt out alright! I'm sure it's not what you think."

"I'm sure," he said with a devilish smirk.

"I don't know why every meeting we have has to be like this."

"Probably because it always has something to do with Jack, which is exactly why I'm here," he said. "No one thought he would marry anyone other than included. So you being here is a little too perfect."

Lexi rolled her eyes again. She couldn't believe this was happening. "I don't have time for this. I'm kind of in a hurry. Enjoy the wedding. Hopefully, the next time we talk it won't have to be about Jack."

"Not likely, but I'll keep hoping." Lexi groaned as she began to stomp in the opposite direction. "Oh and Lexi?" She spun around giving him a sinister look. "You look good."

She pivoted on her foot, her hair flying out around her as she stormed away from him. Oh the nerve of that one! She knew she had done him wrong. She knew that she had been a terrible person to him. If anyone knew, Lexi knew. She had felt terrible about it for years. She swore she would never be that person again, and she hadn't cheated on anyone since then. She was just going to skip over the fact that she had slept with Jack when he was with Bekah….she at least hadn't been with anyone else at the time. There was no need to rub their past indiscretions in her face. She didn't care if he hadn't been expecting her to be in attendance…or maybe he had she wasn't even sure. She was just furious that he had made her day even further deteriorate from the high she had had this morning in Ramsey's bed. She was pretty certain that it could only continue to go downhill from here.

Lexi stopped just before she reached the door to the groom's dressing rooms. She took a deep breath and entered the room. The space was a near match of the one she had just left, but two or three times the size with a fireplace and grand piano. Seth, Luke and Hunter were sitting in chairs in the common room. Seth was drinking straight from a handle of Jack Daniels. They must have thought it would be funny….ironic. Bourbon only made her sleepy. Seth passed the bottle to Luke when he noticed her.