“Shut up,” Jeyla throws over her shoulder. “Excuse yourself. I’m sitting in the front,” she utters sourly, and I smirk rubbing my jaw.

Claire scoffs, “I don’t think so, I called shotgun, you can sit in the back, love.” She replied cattily.

Jeyla’s brow goes up and my dick goes stiff, “Do I look like I give a toss what you called? Unless you want to walk to the cinema with your two front teeth missing, I suggest you take your cheap perfume and your fake tits along with your horsehair to the back where you belong,love.” I press my lips together to smother the smile.

My girl is savage.

“My tits are real, thank you very much. Ask Dean, I’m sure he’ll be more than happy to corroborate,” she sneers haughtily and Jeyla’s eyes veer to me.

“Oh really?” Jeyla drawls and turns to look at me. “Dean?” she presses, glowering at me.

Oh, bloody hell. “Stop bickering or I’ll sit you both in the back and sit Yazmin in the front.” I warn them and look over at Yazmin who is leaning against the car watching the girls argue with interest.

“No, please, let them continue, this is far more entertaining than the film we’re going to watch.” Yazmin states with a grin, her hazel eyes glowing with amusement. “My money is on Jeyla.”

I roll my eyes, uttering a string of curses under my breath I close the driver side door, “JJ, get in the car. Claire, move to the back or you can walk there.”

I walk around the car, reach around Jeyla and open the door for her to get into the passenger side. “Get in.” I demand, staring into her eyes. Jeyla doesn’t argue for a change and slides into the passenger seat.

Twenty-five minutes later we are at the cinema standing in a queue chatting idly while we wait in line at the confectionary kiosk to buy our snacks. My eyes wander over to Jeyla who is at the arcades opposite us playing PacMan with my brother, laughing and playfully nudging each other. I’d be lying if my insides didn’t twist with envy. I’m so sick of hiding my feelings for her and sneaking around, lying to my sister. I should be the one she laughs like that with. I should have the ability to freely walk over and pull her into my arms and kiss her, tell her I love her for all of them to hear. I want them all to know how crazy I am about her.

Instead, I swallow the resentment and sigh. Jeyla and I are on opposite ends while we watch the movie. Ninety long minutes of this movie I was ready to blow my brains out. Your typical, cliché chick flick. Girl gets cheated on, moves to the big city, meets a guy at a coffee shop she works at who she later discovers is her best friend’s boyfriend.

Big shock.

The premise however did hit a little too close to home, so much so that Jeyla and I would exchange glances when the main characters would sneak around behind the best friend’s back to have sex, or when they swear they will walk away and somehow find themselves drawn to each other again, until the best friend catches them and all hell breaks loose.

I feel like I’m watching myself on the screen, the longer the movie plays the deeper my guilt goes and I notice the similarities between the main characters and my situation with Jeyla.

Just like theirs, our relationship will end in disaster if we don’t come clean to Ash soon and she somehow finds out. I love my sister, she’s literally one half of me and I’m not proud of myself for betraying her, but when everything you’ve ever wanted is right there in front of you, how can you possibly find the strength to resist or stay away.

I couldn’t, I still can’t. Even at the expense of my sister.

After the movie, we go to the restaurant adjacent to the cinema to get something to eat before we hit the bar that’s opening tonight. My buddy Jake is managing the event and got us on the list.

Sitting on a round table, we eat our meals while the girls discuss the film.

“I can’t understand the appeal, but how could you stomach betraying your best friend like that? It’s unforgivable.” Jess states, stuffing a fork full of Caesar salad in her mouth and chewing.

“Oh, absolutely, what’s the number one rule of girl code?” Ash asks the girls.

“Hoes over bros.” All the girls answer and Ashlyn smiles, sipping her drink. All but Jeyla. I look over at her, pushing her food around her plate, a troubled look on her angelic face. I know she’s feeling just as shit as I am right about now and I really want to walk over and kiss the saddened look off her face.

“Jey, you’re quiet, what did you think?” Ashlyn probes, bumping her shoulder with Jeyla, starting her out of her trance.

Jeyla’s eyes dart around the group, completely avoiding mine. “It was a good film. A bit long winded, but enjoyable.”

“If you call yourself my best friend and then you go off and sleep with my boyfriend, or my ex or hell even a guy I’m interested in you’re no friend, you’re a fraud.” Ashlyn says, dipping her French fry into the pot of ketchup and popping it into her mouth.

“What about best friend and siblings?” Jessica questions and both Jeyla’s and my eyes snap up at the same time.

Ash shudders, wiping her hands on a napkin. “Ugh, that just creeps me out. I can’t imagine having to watch my best friend who is like a sister to me slobbering all over my brother. No, that’s the biggest ick for me, especially if it’s my twin. There’s also the factor of it not working out and nine times out of ten, it never does, which leaves the other party in the middle trying to choose sides.” Ashlyn shakes her head, sitting back in her chair. “No, thank you.”

There’s a pregnant pause that stretches between us. “Lucky for me, I don’t have to worry about that. Do I bitch?” Jeyla looks over at Ash and smiles.

“Oh, I don’t know Ash, you know I’ve always had the hots for Oskie.” She teases, trying to mask her disappointment with a joke. Oz quickly catches on and joins in on the banter.

“Come over any time and I’ll put that fire out for you, babe.” He croons with a wink, making her blush. I resist the urge to kick him under the table and opt for a glare, which he catches and stops grinning like a fucking mug.