“I think you’ve had a bit too much to drink. Come on sweetheart, I’ll drive you home.” I vaguely hear David say and I shake my head.
“No, no, I can…” I stammer, turning to walk off but my knees wobble and fall back against his chest. “I just need a… minute.”
“You’re a fighter pilot?That’s sofetching.” Amber, the pretty brunette that’s been eyeing me from across the bar coos while flirtatiously playing with the dog tag chain around my neck.
I wouldn’t really consider dodging bullets and missiles as fetching. However, if you set aside the element of danger, the thrill and the fact girls go crazy for a man in uniform sure does make it worthwhile.
“It has its perks.” I utter, lifting the glass of rum to my lips and take a long sip. I’m getting annoyed with myself for not being able to focus. I’ve got this beautiful girl ready and willing to be the distraction I need, but I’m bored shitless. Not even the possibility of getting my dick wet is keeping me interested.
While she yammers on and on about something I have zero interest in, I allow my eyes to sweep the room and instantly straighten from my leaning position when I see Jeyla struggling to hold herself upright and that fucker David Pollard leading her toward the exit.
What the fuck, she was fine ten minutes ago? Sober enough to run that venomous tongue of hers at least, now she’s fucking legless.
I’m up before I can stop myself and stride over to them before they get to the exit.
“Going somewhere, Pollard?” I step in his way and the startled look David gives me when he sees me quadruples the infuriation I’m already feeling.
“Alright mate, I think she’s had one too many and asked me to take her home,” he says with a nervous chuckle. I tear my eyes from his to look at Jeyla who is barely conscious.
“JJ?” I call out to her, tipping her head up as I do and she forces her eyes open to look at me. Her pupils are dilated and her gaze hazy, and her skin feels clammy to the touch. I’m not liking the look of her. Something’s not right.
“I think she just needs to sleep it off,” David says, brushing away a strand of her hair that falls into her flushed face and I fix him a withering glare, my fists clenching by my side.
“Get your fucking hand off her before I rip it off and beat you with it.” I utter lowly through clenched teeth and David takes one look at me and removes his hand from her face.
“Shit bro, I was only trying to help.”
“I’m going to help you into an early grave if you don’t let her go and get the fuck out of my face.” I threaten gravely and take Jeyla’s belongings from him. I draw her to me when he releases his hold on her. After he scampers off, I turn my attention back to Jeyla. “JJ, hey, look at me.” I cup her left cheek and she opens her eyes and groans.
“Dean?” She mumbles, curling her fingers in my shirt when I pull her against my chest.
“JJ, I need you to tell me if you took something?” I ask and she shakes her head.
“No, I didn’t,” she replies quietly. I sigh, a sense of relief washing over me. “Come on, let me take you home.”
Jeyla opens her eyes again and scowls up at me, her button nose crinkling as she tries to focus on my face. “Why are you spinning me around?” I look down into her upturned face and resist the urge to smile.
“I’m not spinning you,” I answer indifferently. “That would be the effect of the vodka cranberry you were downing ten minutes ago.”
Jeyla inhales through her nose, her eyes closing. “I need to sit for a minute.” She says on her exhale and breaks away from me and almost topples over. I reach out and catch her, wrapping an arm around her waist to steady her.
“JJ, unless you want to face-plant to the floor, I suggest you keep still.” Jeyla glowers up at me and I take a second to revel in the beauty of her cat-like green eyes. Looking at her right now, I feel so foolish for not knowing it was her all along. Perhaps my mind just chose to block it out for some bizarre reason.
“Stop telling me what to do,Lieutenant.” Jeyla carps, and just like that the spell is broke and I’m reminded of all the reasons I can’t stand her. “I’m capable of perfectly standing on my own.” I roll my eyes and snort, loosening my hold on her when she pushes at my chest.
“You’re not even capable of stringing a sentence together let alone standing, JJ.” I take hold of her hand when she tries to sit on the edge of the pavement and her legs almost give out on her.
“See,” she utters, holding out her arms triumphantly when she manages to sit upright. “I’m sitting,” she groans, pulling her legs to her chest and drops her head in her hands.
“Drink this.” I perch down beside her and hold out a bottle of water for her. Jeyla lifts her head and stares at the bottle before she takes it.
I observe her while she takes small sips of the water. When she tilts her head back to drink from the bottle, I notice the love bite I gave her earlier becoming visible at the base of her neck. I groan inwardly, the taste and feel of her silky flesh against my tongue evokes something deep inside me.
“Are you okay?” I ask when she rubs her temples. I fist my hands when they almost reach out to rub her back.
“Stop acting like you give a shit, Dean. We both know you’d rather be with your little bar skank in there, so spare us both the headache and go,” she fires back tersely, and I pinch the bridge of my nose in agitation.
“And miss out on this glorious opportunity to torture you? Never.” Jeyla turns her head to give me a sidelong look of distain.