I wipe my mouth on the back of my hand and scowl at her, "Fuck,” I croak, clearing my throat to disperse the water. “Where did you just spawn from?” I gripe, sending her a side glare as I close the door to the fridge.

“The same place as you, moron,” she snaps, placing her hands at her hips and glaring at me murderously. “Well?!” she demands hotly.

“Well, what?” I ask, picking up an apple and biting into it with a shrug. My twin sister throws her arms up in the air and lets out a string of very un-lady like curses.

“I need to ask mum if she dropped you on your head when you were a baby, because there’s something seriously wrong with you.” I lean against the counter, taking another bite out of my apple while she continues to chew me out. “You were supposed to help me with the decorations for Oz’s party, idiot! I sat here waiting for you for over an hour, Dean!”

I wince, “I know, my bad I got caught up,” I apologise, and Ashlyn’s scowl deepens and her eyes that are almost identical to mine narrow lethally.

“Oh, I know exactly where you got caught up— up some dirty skank’s skirt,” she retorts irately, and something in my gut pinches at her words. “Jesus Dean, you promised me you would be there!” she exclaims, her eyes wide and shooting beams of red-hot fury. “You’re so selfish, I can’t believe you up and ditchedmeto get your dick wet with some two-bit tart, who evidently is more important to you.”

I exhale and toss the remains of the apple in the bin. “Ash, come on, don’t be like that, it’s not that deep. I just lost track of time. Besides, I’m sure you managed to get things done fine without me, right?” Ashlyn exhales and lifts her eyes to the ceiling, her temper simmering somewhat.

“Of course, I did. When I realised you weren’t going to show I asked Shane and he was kind enough to help me get things set up.” She explains tersely and crosses her arms over her chest. “Did you at least pick up the cake and drop it off at the venue like I asked?”

Oh bollocks. I completely forgot about the cake she asked me to pick up.

When I stare at her like a deer caught in headlights, she pinches the bridge of her nose and groans, “Dean!”

“Shit, I’m so sorry, I’ll go right now and pick it up.” I express apologetically and drop a kiss to her temple before hightailing it out of the door.

“Don’t forget the candles!” I hear her shouting after me.

Nice one, Dean. What a time to get side-tracked, you idiot.

I turn my head and look back at the backseats of my car where I spent the last couple of hours with that majestic angel. The scent of her fruity perfume still lingers in my car and I draw in a deep breath, filling my lungs with it.

Next time I see her, which will be very soon, I’m finding out her name, one way or another.

* * *

Around eight-forty-five Oz and I are dressed and ready to leave the house. I was given the responsibility of getting Oz to the bar where we are throwing his impromptu surprise birthday party.

When I tell you I had to nag the old grumpy bastard for days to get him to agree to join me and the boys for a ‘couple of drinks’ to celebrate his birthday until he begrudgingly agreed. Oz isn’t the type to make a fuss of his birthday, he prefers a quiet family meal. Seriously, you’d think he’s turning fifty instead of twenty-eight.

“Wait, come again. You did what?” Oz shifts in the passenger seat to look at me.

“I found her,” I repeat, smiling like a giddy teenage boy. “Believe it or not we ran into each other at Shane’s party.”

“Shane’s Party?” Oz intones in bewilderment. “How bizarre that you keep running into her. She must be from our social circle then if she knows Shane.”

I purse my lips thoughtfully, mulling over his words before shaking my head. No way, she’s not the type of girl you forget after meeting. “Nah bro, if she was someone within our circle, I would have remembered her without a doubt.” I tell him assuredly and he nods but keeps his gaze on me.

“She still hasn’t told you her name?”

“Nope,” I reply dejectedly and tap my thumb against the steering wheel. “It’s so fucking frustrating but she’s insisting on not getting too personal.” I glance over at my big brother briefly before turning my attention back to the road. “I get it, it’s a fling and she’s wary about getting too attached, but how is knowing each other’s first names going to change anything, you know?”

“Well, there are many reasons she may be keeping her name a secret. The most obvious one being that she’s in a relationship.”

Hearing those words felt like a sucker punch straight to the fucking gut. I didn’t even consider that to be an option if I’m honest. I mean, I’ve only really known the girl a couple of days, but I wouldn’t have pegged her to be the type to step out on her relationship. No, no, she seems too genuine to be capable of something like that. There’s not been an ounce of contrition in those gorgeous eyes whenever we’re together and do what we do. That can’t be the reason, but my brother’s gone and planted a seed in my head, and I’ll drive myself crazy trying to figure out her reluctance.

“So, you hooked up with her again?” I shake my head, pulling up to park the car in the empty bay that becomes free when the silver focus pulls out.

“Nope, things did get pretty hot and heavy between us, and it was definitely heading in that direction.” I express, checking my mirrors with a sigh and lick my lips ardently recalling the intoxicating taste of her pretty pussy and the sexy moans and soft breathy pants she makes when she climaxes. Jesus, my dick swells, and throbs against my jeans just thinking about it. “Unfortunately, she had someplace to be. Also, the mounting frustration I’ve been feeling over the past couple of days a quickie in the backseat of my car wouldn’t have cut it.”

Oz laughs heartily, opening the passenger side door and getting out once I’m done parking. “Wait, wait, hold the fucking phone! Am I hearing this right? What happened to the whole dick it and quit it approach you had going? Did you finally find a girl worthy of sticking around for?” Oz questions.

I smile blithely, shaking my head when he squeezes my shoulder, still laughing might I add. I send a quick text message to my sister informing her that we’ve arrived. “Maybe. She’s definitely got my attention for now. Whether it will last and how long for, only time will tell,” I tell him austerely, and punch his shoulder when he slaps the back of my neck playfully. “Don’t fuck up the hair, dip shit.” I reach up and smooth down my hair and he chuckles. “You’d know the pain of styling your hair if you had any.”