Narrowing my eyes, I lean forward until our noses touch. “I don’t think I should. I’m becoming rather fond of you referring to me as angel and baby girl.”
“I’ll still call you both those things if you tell me your name.” He promises.
“Why are you so obsessed with knowing my name?”
His dark brows draw together, and he stares at me as though I’ve just sprouted a second head. “Why are you so reluctant on telling me? I’ll tell you mine. It’s—”
I press my fingers to his lips silencing him. “Don’t. You’ll ruin it. We agreed not to get too personal.”
He half laughs and half growls in frustration, “Fucking hell, you’re killing me.” I bite down on my lower lip to keep from laughing.
“You’re kind of hot when you’re all frustrated.” I tease him and he stares at me for a beat, then smirks.
“You’re not telling me, are you?” I shake my head again. “Why not? Wait, are you embarrassed by your name or something?” he queries raising an inquisitive brow and I laugh.
“Not at all. I love my name, it’s very pretty and unique and I’m sure it will sound sensational coming from these lips...” I whisper brushing my lips against his. “Unfortunately for you though, you’ll have to earn the pleasure.” I add pulling back again and he groans.
“You’re such a tease, but I’m going to get it out of you one way or another.”
“We shall see.” I press a kiss to his lips once more and pull away. “Okay, I really,reallyhave to go now before my brother, or worse my dad leaves for work and catches us like this. I would hate for you to get your arse kicked.”
“I take it they’re overly-protective of you?”
I sigh, “Yeah, you can say that. I am the baby of the family, so they do tend to get protective even though I am by miles more mature than both my siblings combined. Also, witnessing your baby sister sitting in a car, in some random guy’s lap isn’t exactly going to look too decorous on my part and will do you no favours either.” I express and he nods slowly in understanding.
“Might want to shake a leg then, woman,” he jokes and chortles when I gape at him slighted.
“Fine, I’ll be off then, and that little remark just cost you a kiss goodbye.” I reach for the door, pull the handle and push it open.
“Like fuck,” he pulls me back when I go to climb out of the car and presses his mouth commandingly to mine, stealing a kiss as well as every drop of oxygen out of my lungs.
“I’ll see you, Angel,” He whispers, smiling gorgeously against my lips.
He’s so handsome it physically hurts.
“I’ll be holding you to that, Casanova.” I reply before slipping out of his car. We share one last look before I turn on my heel and walk off around the corner, waiting behind a tree until he drives off.
I’m aware I’m being a tad juvenile with wanting to keep things a mystery, but if this thing between us is going to be something casual, I don’t want to get too personal because personal leads to feelings and feelings is a gateway to heartbreak—something I’ve absolutely had enough of.
No, for this to work, the less we know about one another the easier it will be when it comes to an end in a few weeks.
After partingwith my handsome Casanova, I make the twenty-minute journey back home and practically crawl to my bed and pass out till mid-afternoon. While I’m still dead to the world the door to my bedroom slowly opens and Ashlyn sneaks in bearing a devious smirk.
She presses her lips together before she throws herself on my bed, landing right on top of me, knocking the wind right out of me, “Soufflé!” I yelp starting from my state of sleep. Ashlyn frowns, a bewildered look on her pretty face.
“Soufflé? What the fuck were you dreaming about?” She laughs poking my sides.
I fully intend to glare at her, but when my eyes refuse to open, I opt for kicking her instead, “Ow,” I groan, “Get off me, you chunky tart!” I grumble, my voice muffled from the face full of duvet and Ashlyn smothering me.
“Your arse is chunky, you hoe bag,” Ashlyn retorts sitting up on the side of the bed. I scowl at my best friend after I manage to pull the covers back.
“Least I have an arse, bitch.” I mumble, and Ashlyn flashes me a toothy grin, one way too bright for my liking, especially first thing in the morning. “Ugh, put those light beams you call teeth away, you're blinding me.” I complain shielding my face using my bed covers.
Ashlyn chuckles and yanks the covers back from me before asking, “It’s almost one in the afternoon? Why are you still in bed, chick?”
I yawn and stretch, “Um, could it be because you’ve not let me rest since I’ve been back? I’m bloody tired. I didn’t get in till six this morning.” I mumble, snuggling into my pillow with a tired sigh. If it wasn’t for Ashlyn yapping on and incessantly poking my side I could have easily fallen right back to sleep. “What?” I whine, slapping her hand away from my ribcage.
“Wake up, I’m talking to you. I asked where you’ve been?” Ashlyn questions, shifting to sit cross legged on my bed. I sigh and toss onto my side, hugging the pillow to my chest.