“I’m the lucky one. Come on, baby. Let's go to town so I can show you off and you can keep me from killing that Ren boy.”

“You can’t kill him. I need you with me. Besides, I already kneed him in the balls pretty good,” she giggles. That puts me at ease.

“He hurt you?” I hold my breath.

“No, like I said, I kneed him in the balls and ran. I just wanted to get to you. I hate that school.”

I kiss the top of her head. I don’t tell her she isn't going back there. We’ll get to that later. Probably when I have her naked and in an orgasm coma.

I bring her hand to my lips and kiss her ring. I’ll be shocked if I make it through tomorrow without binding her to me fully.

I have a feeling that won’t even be enough to cool the driving need I have to make sure everyone knows she’s mine.



Six months later

I stroll into the police station and stop at the front desk to set down a basket of muffins I made for the station and a cup of coffee for Cole.

“Hey, Catherine.” Pam beams up at me.

“Hey,” I chirp back. “Slow today?”

“Yep. Can you man the desk for a moment? I need to use the bathroom.”

“Sure can.” I come around and take her chair. I’ve been working at the station a few days a week, helping out. I get bored sitting at home and I can only cook and take care of the house so much. I’ve been extra bored now that school is over.

After the incident with Ren, and after I told Cole about what happened with Coach Snow and how some of the girls treated me at school, he worked it out so I could finish my classes from home. I emailed all my stuff in. To top it off, Coach Snow got fired. It wasn’t long after she moved from town. Whenever she’d see Cole and me around, her face would turn cherry red with embarrassment.

Ren didn't make out so lucky either. After what happened to me a few other girls came forward with their own stories about him. He ended up taking a plea deal and won’t be seeing the outside world for a very long time. I was worried about the power that came with his family name, but after everything came out the Collors sold their land and hightailed it out of town, wanting to escape the gossip.

I look up when I hear someone enter the station. A man wearing a suit strolls in and approaches my desk.

“Hi,” I say, smiling at him. I’ve never seen him before and not many people roam around these parts in a suit.

He shoots me a smile as he leans up against the counter. I have to look up at him. “I think I’m a little lost. I was hoping I could get some directions.”

“I’d be glad to help,” I tell him. “What are you looking for?” I open the drawer to my left, reaching for a map I know is tucked inside.

“You off soon?” he asks me, throwing me for a loop.

“Hmm. I’m just filling in for a moment until Pam gets back.” I busy myself with unfolding the map.

“How about I take you to that diner next door, than you can show me personally.” He throws me a wink. I stare at him for a moment a little shocked. I’m not used to getting hit on, not when my husband is the sheriff and all. Plus, he growls when men get too close to me. I smile thinking about that growl.

A hand slams down on the counter, making me jump.

“Cole! You’re going to break my water doing that.” I clutch my chest. Cole draws his other hand around my shoulder. I look at the man at the desk. His eyes are round and big now. That smile is gone from his mouth.

“You not see the ring? See the belly?” I cup my belly at Cole’s words. It isn’t big, but there is a bump. I’m pretty sure the counter is hiding it from view, though.

“Sorry, man.” He holds his hands up.

“Not man. Sheriff,” Cole corrects. I have to bite back a giggle. I know I probably shouldn't like it, but I love when Cole gets possessive and jealous. It makes me feel special and important. I’ve never had someone love me like he does. He treats me like I’m the rarest thing in the world. I eat it up, even if it’s barbaric and crazy.

“Sheriff,” the man says as he backs up a few steps then turns and half runs out of the station.

“Fucking hell.”

“Heard that,” I hear Asher yell from his office. This time I do giggle. Everyone gives Cole crap about his mouth—something about how he used to never curse in front of women—but when I’m around, Cole doesn't have much control of his mouth or some of his actions.