“You really are an angel,” I say as my eyes travel over her body.

Without hesitating, she bends down and takes my cock into her mouth. I cry out at the shock and the heat of her tongue as she licks over the tip. She’s so fucking eager, and it’s like electricity is going straight to my dick.

“Angel.” My head falls back against the headboard, making a loud thud as she sucks me farther into her mouth. “Fuck!” My hands go to her hair, and I don’t mean to hold her still, but I’m dying. “You’re going to kill me.”

Her mouth comes off my cock, and she looks up at me with worried eyes. “Am I doing it wrong?”

“Wrong!?” I shake my head and try to catch my breath. “Sweet girl, no. You’re doing it too well.” I rub my thumb across her lip where some of my cum has dripped. “Your mouth was made for sucking my cock.”

She grins, and when she dips her head, I’m once again sent to heaven and hell at the same time. Her hands grip the base of my shaft, and her tongue swirls around it like a lollipop. I can’t help but wonder how many sweets she ate to get this good.

“Goddamn, that mouth of yours.” This time when I hold her by the hair, it’s to guide her gently up and down. “You’re going to finish me off too soon.”

She responds by moaning, and the vibration goes all the way to the root of my cock. I cry out, and my hips thrust up on their own. She’s taken me to the breaking point, and I’m going insane.

“Enough.” When I pull her off my cock, her mouth makes a loud popping sound, and she looks up at me with wide eyes. “I can’t take it anymore.” I flip her back on the bed and pin her down as I push her knees up and slide my cock against her pussy. “I’m going to have you, whether I should or not.”

“I’m yours.” She rocks her hips up, and the head of my cock slips into her opening.

“How are you so fucking wet from sucking my dick?” I push in a little, and she squeezes the tip.

“It turned me on,” she whispers, and her cheeks burn with embarrassment.

“You can’t say that.” I kiss her mouth and then move down chest. “It drives me wild.”

“I loved it,” she says and raises her hips, bearing down on my cock.

I sink deeper into her, and when my mouth latches on to her nipple, I thrust all the way inside. She cries out and squeezes her legs around me, but I stay deep in her tight heat, trying not to move.

“Curt, it burns.” She wiggles under me, but I hold her steady.

“I know, angel.” I move to her other nipple and suck on this one too. I lick the soft underside and then kiss my way back up her neck and to her lips. “It’s okay. I got your cherry now.”

Pulling out a little, she whines, but she’s so wet I slide easily back in. I glance down between us and see my whole cock disappear inside of her again, and I throb.

“Fuck, I can’t wait to fill you up with cum.” I watch the veins on my cock stretched tight as I move in and out of her soft pink lips. “You’re going to look so pretty with it on your pussy.”

“It feels good now.” She begins to relax, and the nails she dug into my shoulder begin to release. “So good.”

“That’s because you’re mine.” I hold her hips as I slowly thrust, giving her long, deep strokes. “I want you to cum for me again so you open up.” I move my fingers over her clit, and she moans. “Can you do that for me, angel? I want to make sure I get it all the way inside.”

She nods quickly and rubs against my hand. She might be new to this, but her body was made for me.

Her pussy squeezes me, then she stills as her mouth opens, and she gasps. She cries out my name as I thrust deep one last time, and her body gives in to the pleasure. My cock swells bigger than it ever has, and I release into her. Waves of cum pour from me as she milks my dick of every drop. It feels like I’m cumming for the first time, and my vision blurs.

It takes everything inside me to roll us over so I don’t collapse onto her and crush her body with mine. I’m careful to still keep us connected as I pull my knees up and make sure she’s seated all the way to the root. She’s on top of me trying to catch her breath, and I let out a small laugh.