“She said she’ll be eighteen.”

“Got it,” he says, not looking at me. “Demi Renee Slater, no priors, but there is a record of her entering the foster system over several years off and on.”

“Shit,” I say, mostly to myself.

“Looks like she’s gotten into something sticky with Shapovals.” This time, Tim turns to look at me and raises his eyebrow. “What the hell have you gotten mixed up in, Curt?”

“I’m not sure, but I know that I didn’t have a choice.” There was no way I could have let Demi go after I saw her place. Or after I looked into her eyes. “Tell me what you know.”

“There’s a bounty out for her on the black market. It doesn’t say why, but they’re looking for her.” He sighs as he shakes his head. “You need to watch your ass. These guys don’t play.”

“What about her family? Will they be targeted if they don’t get her?”

“Looks like there’s no known father, and the mom is already in debt to them for drug money.”

“Fuck.” This is going from bad to worse.

“How much to buy out the bounty?”

He lets out a humorless laugh. “There’s no price.”


“Something really fishy is going on, but the way the bounty is listed is that she’s wanted and they’ll pay to get her back. There’s no debt listed to pay off and buy her out.”

“Then it’s not really money they’re after.”

“That’s what I’d assume too,” Tim says as he leans back in his seat. “Either she’s being used as leverage, which I honestly can’t see because her family doesn’t have any assets. Or she’s a hot commodity they think they can make a fortune on.”

I clench my coffee cup so tightly I’m afraid it’s going to shatter. “Thanks.” The one word comes out sharper than I intended it to.

“My advice to you is to keep your distance.” When I don’t answer right away, he sighs. “Look, Curt, I know you, and whatever you’ve gotten yourself into is probably something I don’t want details about. But I also know that you’re stubborn as hell and won’t be told what to do.”

“What’s your point?” I’m trying to rein in my anger, but it’s not working.

“My point is, if you’re going to try and save this girl, you’d better watch your back. When they find out you’ve got her, there’ll be a giant target on your back.”

“You mean if they find out.”

He shakes his head. “Not with these people. It’s only a matter of time before they’re going to come for you. I suggest you keep a low profile down in Hollow Oak and stay off the radar.”

“I plan on it.” I reach up and rub the place between my eyes where I can feel a headache forming.

“In the meantime, I’ll ask around quietly and see what else I can stir up. Maybe someone out there is willing to make a deal.”

“I’d appreciate anything you can do, Tim.”

When we end the video call, the sun is finally up, but I’m left with just as many questions as when I started this search. At least it confirms what I already knew about her family. Although she was right that her mom needs help. If she owes money to the Shapovals for drugs, they’re going to collect one way or another. Maybe that’s what taking Demi was really about.

How can I convince her to stay here long-term to offer her protection? How much longer can she stay under my roof without me giving in to temptation?

I push away that last thought because she’s not legal yet. Her birthday is tomorrow, but I won’t go down that path until she’s eighteen. I’ve done a lot of things in my life that I regret, but touching her too soon won’t be one of them.

Now all I have to do is figure out how to keep my hands off of her until then.

The door to my office creaks open, and then I see Demi standing there looking sleepy and soft. Every part of my body comes to attention as my eyes rake up and down her small frame.

“Everything okay?” I swallow and clear my throat. “Did you sleep all right?”

“Yeah, I just got scared.” Her smile is shy as she shrugs. “It’s the biggest house I’ve ever slept in and when I woke up, I was worried you’d left.”

“Let’s get you something to eat.” Her hair is a mess, but somehow that tousled look makes her even sexier. I immediately chide myself for thinking about her being sexy and focus on feeding her. “Pancakes?”


“Why do you sound so surprised?”

She bites her bottom lip and looks down at the ground. “Those were for special occasions like Christmas when I was growing up.”

“Well, it’s not too far off, but around here you can have special things every day if you want.” I walk around my desk, and she looks up at me with bright eyes. “All you have to do is say the word.”