“Demi?” Worry spikes, and I wonder if she got scared and ran.

“In here,” she calls and I follow her voice to the bathroom. “Sorry, just checking out your swimming pool.”

“Yeah it’s a pretty big tub. I’ve never used it.” I shrug.

“Seriously? I’d never get out of it. I lived in a foster family that had a tub one time. It was awesome.”

“Do you want to use it?”

“Now?” she asks, her eyes wide and maybe even a little hopeful.

“Why not? Here are some clothes; go for it. I’ll be downstairs in the kitchen when you’re finished, and you can come eat.” It looks like she might cry as she looks down at the ground. “Hey, are you okay?”

“You’re just being really nice to me.” She sniffs, and it breaks my heart.

I clench my fists at my sides because I can’t hold her. Instead I take a step back and nod at the tub. “Take your time. I’ll be in the kitchen when you’re done.”

Chapter Three


I fall back onto the softest bed I’ve ever felt in my life, and the scent of Curt surrounds me. It’s intoxicating yet comforting because he’s being so damn kind to me. I can’t remember the last time someone was nice to me for no reason at all. I want to cry but I fight the tears. I’m scared that if I start I might never stop. I’m also not sure what kind of tears they will be. I’m a crazy mix of emotions right now.

I’m scared, happy, and a whole lot of other things I can’t explain. There’s also a chance I’m in a heap of trouble right now. No way Sherman is going to pay, which means I still owe the Shapovals. How could I ever ask Curt to hand over the money he offered me? Not after he saw my place and then brought me back to his because he didn’t think my home was safe.

Reluctantly I pull myself from the bed and head toward the giant dream bathroom. I want to get out of this damn dress and rub this makeup off my face. I turn on the water before I undress, and to my surprise, the thing fills quickly.

A moan pours from me when I slip into the warm water. I lay my head back and close my eyes. I tell myself I’m not going to fall asleep because I want the food Curt said would be downstairs, but damn. All the muscles in my body are starting to relax, and for a moment all the fear and worry leaves me. If only for a few hours I’m safe, and I allow myself to live in the moment as I push all the fear and worry in my life away.

“Fuck,” I hear someone hiss, and it jolts me out of a dream-filled daze.

My eyes fly open to see Curt standing in the bathroom. He closes his eyes and spins around to give me his broad back. I sit up and pull my knees to my chest but realize there’s no way he could even see anything with all the bubbles.

“I called your name.”

“Sorry. I must have dozed off.”

“That’s dangerous. Get dressed. You need to eat,” he says before he makes a quick exit from the bathroom. He sounded pissed. I jump when I hear a door slam closed.

“Damn it,” I sigh, getting out of the tub. The last thing I want to do is piss him off. He brought me to his home to try and help. I hadn’t meant to fall asleep in the tub. No matter what I do, I’m always doing the wrong thing to get myself in trouble.

I drain the tub before I wash my face in the sink and dry off. I try to clean up, leaving everything as I found it. I want to be as little of a bother as possible. For most of my life, I’ve found it better to try and be invisible.

The shirt Curt gave me falls off my shoulder when I put it on, but at least it’s better than the dress. I stare at myself in the mirror and wonder what the hell I’m going to do. I can’t stay here for long because I don’t want to bring trouble to this man’s door. He’s already done more for me than anyone else ever has.

I’ll eat and maybe sleep here for the night, but then I’ll leave. It’s the best and only plan I can come up with.

When I leave the bedroom, I follow the scent of food. I think it’s been almost two days since I last ate something beyond a few crackers.

The second I step into the kitchen, Curt turns my way. His eyes go down my body and slowly venture back up. I swear every time he looks at me he sees deep inside my soul. I wonder if that should scare the crap out of me or not. I’m not even sure who I am under the surface.