“Give me a kiss,” I say to Timber as I tilt my head back and rise up on my tiptoes. After he does as I ask, I pat him on the chest. “I’ll be out in a few. I still need to get ready.” I wink at him, letting him know he can help me get ready. He lets out a long sigh before stepping back and letting the door close. When I turn to face my sister she’s got her hands on her hips.

“Is that a ring on your finger?” she asks.

I look down at my beautiful engagement ring, knowing now that Timber put it there, it’s never leaving. I have no idea how I thought I was going to hide it since it’s unmissable. I shouldn't have tried to hide it to begin with and it’s probably what put Timber on edge. He doesn’t miss anything when it comes to me.

“Looks like we’re planning another party!” I smile at her at my desperate attempt to lighten the mood. She shakes her head no. “Myra.”

I walk over and grab her hand and then pull her onto the sofa. I’m going to have to talk her down.

“I’ve only been gone a few weeks and you’re getting married?!” she shouts.

I don’t know if she’s trying to reason with me or process the news herself. I want to tell her I love him, but Timber will be the first person who hears that. I should’ve said it the first time we made love.

“When you know you know.” I nudge her shoulder with mine.

I was never one to date and knew that when I found the one I’d likely fall head over heels. It’s how I am and I know that about myself.

“You always lead with your heart. I just don’t want you to get hurt.” She reaches out and grabs my hand.

It’s too late for that. The man already has my heart whether we’re married or not. I have a feeling my sister knows that too and it’s why she’s not totally losing it. There’s no going back.

“I’m happy here. This is what I’ve been searching for.” It’s the truth. I was drifting with no idea what I was going to do with my life. Now I feel at peace inside and I’m no longer looking for what’s coming. Timber is it.

“Okay.” She lets out a long sigh. “We have a party to finish getting ready for before my asshole of a boss shows up.” She smiles as she says it and I laugh and hug her.

“You should quit,” I tease her.

“I’m going to.” Now I’m the one to stare in shock. “I think I’ll live it up tonight and go out with a bang.”

She smirks and I know she’s not joking. She’s got that look in her eyes. The one she gets when she’s done. For the first time I actually feel bad for that jerk. He’s not going to know what hit him.

Chapter Fifteen


I’m on the stairs near my office waiting for Pippa to come out. I don’t know why I’m so nervous, but maybe it’s because she still hasn’t said I love you back. I know she does, I can see it in her eyes, she just has to be brave enough to say the words.

There’s a noise behind me and I turn around thinking I must have imagined it. But after a second I hear something again. I glance at my office one last time before curiosity gets the better of me and I climb the stairs away from Pippa and towards the sound.

The last time I saw Simon he was dealing with the florists. He’s the only one besides Pippa and me allowed up there and the sound has the back of my neck tingling.

“Hey, in here,” I hear someone hiss.

My brows furrow as I climb the stairs faster. Did someone sneak in here without us knowing? I shove my phone in my jeans and hit the number on my cell. It sends a signal to the security who have been watching the outside of the house all day. I don’t know how long it will take them to get here but I’m not taking any chances.

“There’s got to be something we can grab,” another voice says from the end of the hall.

I slow my approach, the carpet cushioning my steps, and get closer to the bedroom I put Pippa in when she first got here. Most of it has been moved out and it’s in my room now. The one we call ours.

“This place is a fucking castle. There’s probably gold bars laying around.” I hear a shuffle and then someone else talks.

“She must not suck dick because I don’t see any jewelry.”

My vision turns red and I ball my fists up as I move right outside the door. I raise my foot and with one swift kick, the ancient dark wood splinters and it disintegrates. The air is filled with dust and debris as I stand there fuming and waiting for it to clear. Once I can see through the cloud of wood, I see two young shitheads standing in our bedroom with wide eyes of terror locked on me.